Archive for the ‘Times of change’ category

Time of Love

March 9, 2013

On 6 June 2012 the last intense event occurred when Venus – Earth and the sun are in one line. This will influence our paradigm (blockages) resolution immensely. Do not hold on to established partnerships which want to be resolved, that do not work anymore. It’s no longer about finding the soul mate. First of all we have to love ourselves first, because only then will we be able to live in unconditional love. We were always taught that we should not love ourselves, because self-love was identified as egoism. Therefore, we must now learn to accept not only our bodies but to love ourselves deeply. Then we are one with ourselves and able to love all people. It means to stop condemning others, for we are all of the same energy and interconnected. Everyone has their own learning goals in life. Therefore we cannot ask people to change for our sake. As they are responsible for their life, we are only responsible for our life. We can create a field of peace on earth only by the unconditional love and that will also end the war against Mother Earth.

As already mentioned, we’re right there at the time of change, a time of expansion of consciousness. This is the time of love. We must learn again to live in communities. This also means that we must open ourselves to the people to whom we give our unconditional love. Say goodbye, to talk about my husband and my wife. Who wants to possess love, will not obtain love. When two people meet who have never learned to love themselves, how can two love-hungry people exchange love? They expect only and have nothing to give. Only when we learn to love ourselves, we can stop the love dramas in our life. For between love and possession is a big difference. By the misguided love image we have created a global battlefield – which shows up in our private life, too.

In our hearts we, however, continue to be yearning for fulfilling love. What happens to two people who think they love each other, when they get married? The building or buying a house leads them directly into lifelong commitments, and the rat race is inevitable, and the problems take their course. Both are caught in the machinery of the generally accepted social system, but the deep desire never goes away completely. However, that scenario which is reality for most people increases the tension that will eventually be broken by one of two partners: divorce, illness or burnout.

Only through a changed love image we will be able to experience peace inside and outside. As long as we are busy with our claims of ownership (my house, my land, my car, my family, my business, and other state symbols), we are in war against us and Gaia.

Live from your Heart, with Love!

Give Up Control

February 26, 2012

 Why is that so important? And why is it so difficult?

Most of us had good role models concerning control. Parents control their children and more of them even ignore them on the other side? You might ask “What is worse?”

You might even control your spouse and your co-workers. Just think about it and find out why you are so much interested what others do. Is this just because you do not know yourself or feel unworthy and never develop self-consciousness? Do you know your purpose and your goals?

Now why is it so important to give up control?

The most important reason is that we have to learn to build a better society as we cannot go on like that. You can see that we live in a critical time of change. As long as you resist changes you fight against yourself. You get sick, jobless and go into burnout and depression.

Most of us live in the 3-dimensional world which is school with different stages. Three quarter of the people live with a victim consciousness. You do not need to stay there as you can always change your thoughts.

Invest in yourself and live a life of love, joy, health and abundance you need to enhance your consciousness. Then you move on to the group of creators as you can create your reality. When you keep on learning you become a genius.

Learn to live from your heart with gratitude and love. We move out of the mind into the heart. It is about unity. We got to think with our heart, open ourselves for the inner voice and the inspirations we get while we wake up in the morning. I feel blessed that I follow my inspirations. No more need to live a life in fear and worries.

It is all about love, joy, smile and no more walls of separation. I am You and You are Me!

Therefore it is high time to find out what your purpose of life is. Work at your Goals and give up Control. If you really want to live a successful and fulfilled life leave the HOW to the Universe. It takes care as it is abundant. Work on your purpose and goals and add your feelings to your goals. That is how you learn to visualize what you really thrive for. Thrive for the truth which you find the moment you start thinking with your heart.

Embrace the Union!!! Get together with like minded people and set up cooperation to create a better world!

You find the practical e-book “ Goals Give Your Life Direction”  on Amazon

If you want to get out of fears check for “Success Killer No 1 – Fear  and Worries”

Your Purpose

January 29, 2012

Vocation is your life purpose and the intention with which you incarnated. Everyone has a life plan, which it is implemented in this life. To find your purpose and to live your purpose, write down everything that makes your eyes sparkle.

Write down everything you can think of spontaneously.

Now you can explore what is the meaning of your life. What you’ve written down, is a picture that emerges of what makes you. In order to pass this on as an added value, you must have this sense of life. Provided your purpose with targets.

So what is the meaning of your life?

To grasp the meaning of life, you must begin to be healed:
– Healing is the acceptance of what you fear most.
– Healing is the opening of what has been locked.
– Healing is the softening what has hardened into a blockade.
– Healing is the acceptance of others, no matter how he / she is.
– Healing is learning to trust life.
– Healing is to know that I Am.

Healing can happen if You represent a different opinion than your subconscious mind produces. Every coin has two sides so you can also build up other settings / beliefs. There is always more than one truth.

You can always see everything negatively:
– “It doesn`t works anyway!”
– “Why should I have good fortune”
– “It’s not for me”

Or you see it positively:
– “I can”
– “I am happy and deserve to be happy”
– “I can achieve anything.”

Dare a paradigm shift:

– What is really relevant for a happy and fulfilling life?
– How can you increase your success in life?
– How do you win the highest level of quality of life?
– What decisions you need to make urgently?

Consider these responses and determine them more accurately and describe your answers.

Currently, we are encouraged massively to let go the things / relationships that no longer work. They should no longer be part of your life. Do not look back and hold on to things that need to go. Otherwise you cannot see the opportunities that lie ahead of you, because you only look backwards.

Which things are dissolving in your environment? Where do you need to take action?

Consider these responses determined to see later what has changed.

Open yourself, to be part of the process to find out who you really are and why you have incarnated at this time. We are all here to participate in the tasks that are important now!

Why are you reading this blog now in the time of great change?

1) What was your intention to be incarnated in this time?
2) What is your contribution in this life that enhances the quality of life for all?
3) What is the reason for what you do now (in all areas of life)
4) What do you want for those who come after you?
5) What inspires you?

Write hand-written responses to spontaneous and gather them into a booklet.

Frozen in fear and worry

October 23, 2011

Even if you’re frozen in fear and worry and have the feeling to be incapacitated, then wake up, please. There is also another truth and for that you need to look behind the facades.
Drag your personal ripcord before you will sink into depression and burnout, or even thinking about suicide. For this is not your truth!
Your truth lies hidden deep within you and has to do with your life purpose and your goals. Because before we incarnate, we have set ourselves targets. Find out what is your purpose in this life.
You can achieve anything if you know what you want and are developing the necessary endurance. You can reach everything, if you work on yourself and also on your business. Increase your knowledge and awareness. Invest in yourself! The best investment in times of change!
We all are part of the creative power of God and with the power of thought we determine our reality. So if you do not like your reality, you have to change your thoughts. Therefore it is important to check your attitudes and beliefs. New ideas are corroborated by aims and the appropriate affirmations. Then new attitudes and habits are developing.
If you freeze in fear and worries, stop to take care of messages in the media, because that’s just one truth, but not your reality! Prefer to read books that will enrich your knowledge and increase your awareness.
We live in changing times and each of us has the chance to change for an active life. Just give yourself the chance to create your life purpose. Give this power not in other preople´s hands and lead a life at second hand. This is what people do, who get their truth by watching television. They look at programs that reinforce their fears and concerns and reaffirm these truths in our subconscious.
It is up to you to lead finally an active life and determine your own purpose. Write your goals and dreams. Make a list of 101 goals, and then choose from this list the 5 most important, on which you want to work on.
In my e-book you find more information about the reality of change:
“2012 – Our Reality of Change” by Angela Schulz-Henke
Available on Kindle at or

Abundant Opportunities

September 11, 2011

“We must learn to understand, what we do not understand.” Dr. Michael König

We live in a time of change. Since more than 5 years Thing which worked then no longer work today. People who take advantage of others are discovered nowadays. Lies are exposed and rulers overthrown. The world is changing rapidly and people become more aware. Who does not change during the crisis and wants to cling to old truths, will perish. The consequence is to be ill or depressed. You will therefore be forced to act. Who does not change will go downhill. We always have a choice. A coin has a t least 2 sides and you have different angles to look at a situation. You always have a choice to think differently.

The number of suicide, burnout and depression are still rising. You do not have to go this way! You have to grow and become more every second.  Everybody has the ability to transform his thoughts.

The changes relate to the external and internal crisis. The external crisis was initiated by the banking crisis, followed by the real estate and economic crisis. Please do not believe any of the claims that the crisis would be behind us. Because if people do not want to change bankruptcies, unemployment, fear and anxiety, burnout, and increasing anger that comes only with incomprehension. Change is the only option we have. The only thing which is stable is change. Look at the nature.

The purest form of insanity is to keep everything the same and at the same time hope that something changes.

You also deny that we live in an ever more exciting time? How do you react to this? Become afraid and worried, because you do not understand what is going on? Please ignore the statements in the media. Things happen in order to awaken us. Wake up and leave your comfort zone. Dare to change whatever needs to be changed. First of all change yourself!

When you move you out of your comfort zone, you will notice things that you have not seen before. How you find your niche is in the next post.

Miracles can happen

July 31, 2011

Miracles happen when we love ourselves and are then able to give unconditional love.

When you love yourself deeper every day you are opening up for a juicy life. What is a juicy life? Get our and meet people. Experience yourself as a loving being in connection with people you meet. They will notice that you are different. You will talk and treat people differently when you are able to express unconditional love. It also means to be open for opportunities you have not seen yet. The Universe is abundant and loving yourself means to connect to this abundance. Then miracles can happen!

Unconditional means without conditions. Remember that you put labels on people: they are ugly, lazy, noisy, arrogant, not cooperating, foreigners, handicapped or even old. You do not need these labels anymore. Love without conditions does not need them.  You will stop blaming others as you realize that only you can change your life. And it is so easy. Be the I AM and you can even forget your own restriction:

–       I am not worth it

–       This is not for me

–       I am stupid

–       I am too fat

These are your paradigms, which you can change as well.

Here is a powerful mantra:

I am Love, I am Joy, I am Health and I am Abundance

The I am is very powerful and repeating that mantra aloud again and again, it will change your energy.

This is FREEDOM as well. You can be You and not the person your parents , your spouse or boss is expecting. Be you and you have so much more to give that everybody will love you as you are.

There is so much more to experience in this world of change. Please start loving and respecting our planet as well. If we want to survive we have to cooperate and stop exploiting our Mother Earth.

The solar flares are increasing their power and on day it will hurt us because we missed  to change ourselves. The time of change forces us to do so.
More on this subject in my book “2012 – Our reality of change” on

What is the Purpose of my Life?

June 12, 2011

Healing is embracing what you fear most.
Healing is the opening of what was previously closed.
Healing is the softening of what was hardened to a blockade.
Healing is the acceptance of others, no matter how they are.
Healing is learning to trust life.
Healing is to know that I am.
Healing can happen if you take a different view. Every coin has two sides. I can always look at everything only negative: “It will work out anyway! ” “Why should I be lucky?”, “It’s not for me!”
Dare a paradigm shift:
– What is really relevant to live a happy and fulfilling life?
– How to increase your success in life?
– How do you win a maximum of quality of life?
– What decisions do you need to take urgently?

Currently, we are encouraged massively to say goodbye to things / relationships that no longer function and are therefore no longer part of our lives. Do not look back and hold on things which need to go. Thus you will not see the opportunities that lie before you.
Open yourself, become part of the process to find out who you really are and why you did incarnate to be here right now.

Why I’m here – just in the time of great changes?
1) What is my purpose to be incarnated at this time?
2) What is my contribution in this life that increases the quality of life for everybody?
3) What is the reason for what I do right now (in all areas of life)
4) What do I want to leave to those who come after me?
5) What inspires me?
I wish you much fun on your way to find out your purpose of this life!

Crisis as a time of opportunities

July 26, 2010

Every crisis is a hidden opportunity. The beginning is to accept it as such. Then you should imagine the worst scenario result in mind. Between the opportunity and the worst scenario is a world of possibilities. Ask yourself in each situation – what is the chance here? What chance is to feel it differently, to think, act, or to live differently?

The truth about our present
The information that I give you today is of some importance. We already have entered a new stage of consciousness and because you feel this or even know it, you are here on this call today. Welcome.
Let me give you some information and then we open for questions.
The transformation of global consciousness has already begun. The transformation is taking place in our consciousness and that in us. There is a sense of urgency behind what I’m trying to convey. We live at a critical time in human history. Nothing is hidden anymore (see the secrets of the Catholic Church or corruption stories) and the negative forces seem to take the upper hand. Violence is on the rise and panic is fuelled. More and more people fall into the downward spiral of depression, illness and even suicide.

This is a critical stage of our consciousness. The old stage of consciousness, or better the subconscious, functions no more. This leads to destruction! Old answers no longer fit to new questions. That is why it is so important, that more and more people open up to the new awareness.  Most of the people live in the dark. They live only second hand, i.e. 4 – 6 hours television, newspaper, radio and popular literature. Their consciousness is permanently bombarded by information, which the subconscious receives with joy, because it already knows this, and which will strengthen what is already there.
Like maybe some of you have already heard, our life reality is the result of our thoughts. And the thoughts are based on the paradigms, the beliefs we have stored in our subconscious. There is no room for development. Fears and concerns increase and thus they are in the downward spiral that leads through depression, illness in the self-dissolution. Violence arises when there is no answer and the apparent impotence is felt.

Now, if there is no change in consciousness, humanity will destroy itself!

Success in a time of changes

July 12, 2010

Now is the time for all of us to become free of the fear that has kept us from joy, from creativity, from peace, from the courage to be honest. It is time to do the inspired thing, which is to live our life’s purpose. ~ Joseph Bailey

We live in a time of crisis and a lot of people ask:  “Where are we going to?”

Not so simple to answer as politicians, society, church and economy do not have real good answers. There answers are based on old systems. Right now the old systems are falling apart.

We have old questions and need new answers. There are people who got the answers.

Times of crisis are always times of opportunities. Where are your opportunities? Sometimes right before our eyes, but we do not see the opportunity because we look in the past when we try to stabilize a situation which is ready to collapse, or hold on to a job, relationship etc. which are fragile and disastrous. We become sick or fall into a burn-out or depression.

We are in a time of transformation and we all need to change our viewpoints. There is nothing wrong that old systems fall apart as we cannot continue as we have done the last 40 – 60 years. We have exploited the earth and ourselves. We have lost respect and love. We can make a U-turn.

I can assure you that there is always another door that opens when one is closing. Losing a job or your business, does not mean you are a loser. Take your act together, learn out of the situation and move on. Make up your mind what you want to do next. Where do your eyes start to sparkle? That could be your profession. Find a niche but never ever give up!