Archive for the ‘guidelines’ category


December 2, 2012

Golden rules for affirmations

1. Start with the words, I am.
These words I am are the two most powerful words in our language. The subconscious mind takes any sentence that begins with I am as a command and as an invitation to come true.

2. Always use the present tense.
Describe what you want as if you would have received it already, as if it would have been materialized.
Wrong: I will get a new red Porsche 911 Carrera
Correct: I did enjoy driving my new red Porsche 911 Carrera.

3.  Statements must always be positive.
Affirm what you want and not, what you do not want. The subconscious mind does not perceive the difference.
A statement such as “Do not slam the door“ is perceived as  “slam the door.” The subconscious mind works with pictures and words such as “Do not slam the door” provoke an image of “slam the door”. The phrase, “I have no more fear of flying” produced the picture of the fear of flying. In contrast, “I enjoy the thrill of flying” brings the picture of joy.
Wrong: “I have no more fear of flying.”
Correct: “I enjoy the thrill of flying.”

4. Keep it short.
Think of your affirmations like advertising rates, as if each word cost 1000 €. It should be short and concise, that you remember it easily.

5. Describe it accurately.
Vague affirmations produce vague results.
Wrong: I drive a new red car.
Correct: I drive my new red Porsche 911 Carrera.

6. Use active words.
The active word adds strength to the success of a picture as if you would have been doing it.
Wrong: I’m going on holiday soon
Correct: I enjoy my vacation in Sardinia.
7. Add to the sentence a dynamic feeling, or at least a word, that expresses the feeling.
Add an emotional state in how you feel when you reached the goal. Use words like happy, joyful, celebrating, proud, calm, peaceful, enthusiastic, loving, safe, serene and triumphant.
Wrong: I keep my perfect body weight kg of 68.
Correct: I feel great having 68kg!
Note that the last sentence sounds a bit like advertising. The subconscious mind loves rhythm and rhyme.
8. Make affirmations only for yourself and not for others.
If write your affirmations, describe your behavior, not that of others.
Wrong: I watch as Andrew cleans up his room.
Correct: I share successfully my needs and desires with Andrew.