Archive for the ‘Paradigms’ category

Your Purpose

January 29, 2012

Vocation is your life purpose and the intention with which you incarnated. Everyone has a life plan, which it is implemented in this life. To find your purpose and to live your purpose, write down everything that makes your eyes sparkle.

Write down everything you can think of spontaneously.

Now you can explore what is the meaning of your life. What you’ve written down, is a picture that emerges of what makes you. In order to pass this on as an added value, you must have this sense of life. Provided your purpose with targets.

So what is the meaning of your life?

To grasp the meaning of life, you must begin to be healed:
– Healing is the acceptance of what you fear most.
– Healing is the opening of what has been locked.
– Healing is the softening what has hardened into a blockade.
– Healing is the acceptance of others, no matter how he / she is.
– Healing is learning to trust life.
– Healing is to know that I Am.

Healing can happen if You represent a different opinion than your subconscious mind produces. Every coin has two sides so you can also build up other settings / beliefs. There is always more than one truth.

You can always see everything negatively:
– “It doesn`t works anyway!”
– “Why should I have good fortune”
– “It’s not for me”

Or you see it positively:
– “I can”
– “I am happy and deserve to be happy”
– “I can achieve anything.”

Dare a paradigm shift:

– What is really relevant for a happy and fulfilling life?
– How can you increase your success in life?
– How do you win the highest level of quality of life?
– What decisions you need to make urgently?

Consider these responses and determine them more accurately and describe your answers.

Currently, we are encouraged massively to let go the things / relationships that no longer work. They should no longer be part of your life. Do not look back and hold on to things that need to go. Otherwise you cannot see the opportunities that lie ahead of you, because you only look backwards.

Which things are dissolving in your environment? Where do you need to take action?

Consider these responses determined to see later what has changed.

Open yourself, to be part of the process to find out who you really are and why you have incarnated at this time. We are all here to participate in the tasks that are important now!

Why are you reading this blog now in the time of great change?

1) What was your intention to be incarnated in this time?
2) What is your contribution in this life that enhances the quality of life for all?
3) What is the reason for what you do now (in all areas of life)
4) What do you want for those who come after you?
5) What inspires you?

Write hand-written responses to spontaneous and gather them into a booklet.

Miracles can happen

July 31, 2011

Miracles happen when we love ourselves and are then able to give unconditional love.

When you love yourself deeper every day you are opening up for a juicy life. What is a juicy life? Get our and meet people. Experience yourself as a loving being in connection with people you meet. They will notice that you are different. You will talk and treat people differently when you are able to express unconditional love. It also means to be open for opportunities you have not seen yet. The Universe is abundant and loving yourself means to connect to this abundance. Then miracles can happen!

Unconditional means without conditions. Remember that you put labels on people: they are ugly, lazy, noisy, arrogant, not cooperating, foreigners, handicapped or even old. You do not need these labels anymore. Love without conditions does not need them.  You will stop blaming others as you realize that only you can change your life. And it is so easy. Be the I AM and you can even forget your own restriction:

–       I am not worth it

–       This is not for me

–       I am stupid

–       I am too fat

These are your paradigms, which you can change as well.

Here is a powerful mantra:

I am Love, I am Joy, I am Health and I am Abundance

The I am is very powerful and repeating that mantra aloud again and again, it will change your energy.

This is FREEDOM as well. You can be You and not the person your parents , your spouse or boss is expecting. Be you and you have so much more to give that everybody will love you as you are.

There is so much more to experience in this world of change. Please start loving and respecting our planet as well. If we want to survive we have to cooperate and stop exploiting our Mother Earth.

The solar flares are increasing their power and on day it will hurt us because we missed  to change ourselves. The time of change forces us to do so.
More on this subject in my book “2012 – Our reality of change” on

Time sensitive – Relationships

July 17, 2011

You can see it in the outer world and maybe experience it already in your inner word, that this month of July 2011 we are forced to look at our relationship patterns. In the economic and political field we see that as the problems increase parties are forced to work together. We have to improve our relationships if we want to create a better future.

Venus, the planet that stands for relationships, is strongly intervening and forcing us to transform our views and paradigms about relationships. The Venusian impetus questions our love pictures. It talks of a larger and freer love picture, of a love of cosmic size, of unconditional love. I experienced this love once – it was great experience! This love is a pleasure and not a fight.

Moreover, what has love got to do with fight? After the first love and when reaching everyday life most couples forget what has attracted them most in the other partner. They collect the penalty points instead of seeing the positive sides and just be grateful what lovely partner you got. Life is a lot easier when we live in gratitude. As long as you are grateful, fear and worry have no chance.

The transformation of love pictures (paradigms) is not a private but a collective issue that affects us all. The universe has confidence in us; the problems are only challenges and help us to grow and to solve problems. The plasma emission of Venus has increased in the past 30 years in 600 times. This gives us the necessary information when we listen to our hearts.

Do not hold on to established partnerships which want to be resolved, that do not work anymore. It’s no longer about finding the soul mate. First of all we have to love ourselves first, because only then will we be able to live in unconditional love. We were always taught that we should not love ourselves, because self-love was identified as egoism. Therefore, we must now learn to accept not only our bodies but to love ourselves deeply. Then we are one with ourselves and able to love all people. It means to stop condemning others, for we are all of the same energy and interconnected. Everyone has their own learning goals in life. Therefore we cannot ask people to change for our sake. As they are responsible for their life, we are only responsible for our life. We can create a field of peace on earth only by the unconditional love and that will also end the war against Mother Earth.

What is the Purpose of my Life?

June 12, 2011

Healing is embracing what you fear most.
Healing is the opening of what was previously closed.
Healing is the softening of what was hardened to a blockade.
Healing is the acceptance of others, no matter how they are.
Healing is learning to trust life.
Healing is to know that I am.
Healing can happen if you take a different view. Every coin has two sides. I can always look at everything only negative: “It will work out anyway! ” “Why should I be lucky?”, “It’s not for me!”
Dare a paradigm shift:
– What is really relevant to live a happy and fulfilling life?
– How to increase your success in life?
– How do you win a maximum of quality of life?
– What decisions do you need to take urgently?

Currently, we are encouraged massively to say goodbye to things / relationships that no longer function and are therefore no longer part of our lives. Do not look back and hold on things which need to go. Thus you will not see the opportunities that lie before you.
Open yourself, become part of the process to find out who you really are and why you did incarnate to be here right now.

Why I’m here – just in the time of great changes?
1) What is my purpose to be incarnated at this time?
2) What is my contribution in this life that increases the quality of life for everybody?
3) What is the reason for what I do right now (in all areas of life)
4) What do I want to leave to those who come after me?
5) What inspires me?
I wish you much fun on your way to find out your purpose of this life!

Every crisis is a hidden opportunity!

May 29, 2011

The beginning is, to accept it as such. Then you should clearly see the worst scenario in your mind. Between the opportunity and the worst scenario is your world of possibilities. Always ask yourself – what are the chances here? What chance is there to feel, to think, act or live differently? What are your dreams? Your dreams can come true. This is solely up to you.
As perhaps some of you have already heard our life reality is the result of our thoughts. And the thoughts are based on the paradigms, the beliefs we have stored in our subconscious. Here is no room for development. Fears and concerns get out of hand and thus you could easily be placed in the downward spiral that leads to depression, illness in the self-dissolution. From this apparent feeling of helplessness then arises even violence.
When you start to learn and grow beyond your present self and life, you do not need to become helpless. Create your life! This, however, associated with changes. Nature is constantly changing, why are we fighting against it?
Especially when we all want to live in peace and harmony, we must change our rules, our morals / our beliefs. Everything is there, whatever you want to have. However, the functionality of what we call morality is gone from our lives. What works well? Rating in times of change is no longer relevant. A crisis always calls for more changes.

Start with:
– Stop blaming others.
– Stop expecting others to change for you.
– Stop to assess.
– Stop using words like BUT. Use instead HOWEVER. However looks for solutions.
Good and bad are reviews that do not get you anywhere. We can only perceive whether something works or it does not work. The latter requires change. As long as we assess something as good or evil, nothing changes and thus means stagnation.

You are the creator of your life

February 8, 2011

Which is your purpose of life

“You are the storyteller of your own life, and you can create the legend or not.”
~Isabel Allende

Can you meanwhile understand that you are the one who writes the script for your life? In order to write the best script for your life, you need to know your purpose of life. Have a look what really makes you happy? Is your job making you happy? Or do you need to force yourself to go to work and do what you need to do. I can predict that you are getting sick, get a burnout or be mobbed one day. That is what you attract when you do not love what you do.

When you limit yourself thinking that you will not be able to earn money with what you enjoy doing, you will never live a fulfilled life. There are many niches to set up your own business or work from home. When you found out what it is, look for answers and try to live your purpose. Never give up getting there even if you have to follow some sidetracks and come back to the main road again. You might take up a par time job while you set up your business.

When you have written your script be aware that it will not work on autopilot. And do not stay in the situation that you plan and do not act. Without action you will never reach your goals. When you want to get from New York to London you would make sure that you know how and when to get there and then start your journey. The same happens with your aims. Make sure you that you take action every day. Do not delay and never give up. Be confident in yourself and listen to your inner voice!

When you know your aim set up a time table and create smaller aims which are easier to realize on the journey to your big aim. When you notice something is holding you up, it might be paradigms in your subconscious mind. That might be the time to look for a coach who helps you to find and resolve these paradigms.

2011 – The Year of Venus

January 20, 2011

The year we just entered is the year of Venus and it brings us harmony, if we can let our prejudices and paradigms go.

I know that today´s topic is controversial for a lot of my readers. In the Venus year we are confronted with our love topics. It is our firm belief that if we have a lover, partner, wife or spouse we own their love and that we are the only one they are allowed to love. The second topic is that we lost our love for Mother Earth.

As long as we expect exclusive love and see our wife or husband as our possession, there cannot be real and unconditional love! How did we get the idea, that we can possess love? That is what we were told by the Gods of the churches. They even told us to exploit the earth as a subject. Mother Earth is alive as we are alive. Why on earth do we think that can work for us? Can`t we see in our surrounding that it is absolutely contradictive? There are so many divorces and unhappy families and people. Do never forget that your children learn from how you live your life. Your prejudices and paradigms will be theirs and they then can only copy your life.

As long as we keep these paradigms we will be unable to give and receive love! That is the truth! But in this year with the energy of Venus we have the chance to change for unconditional love! Start with loving yourself and accept that you can only receive love but never possess it!

Universal Love

January 15, 2011

How do you start to love everyone?
First you need to learn to love yourself. There is no reason to condemn yourself, or even to hate yourself. We are all from the one infinite energy; some call it God, Allah or Yahweh. For me it is the Universe. Since we are all energy, we are also a part of God. No reason to treat this part of God, who you are, badly. Only if you love yourself unconditionally, you can give love to others.

Another important step is to stop evaluating anything or anyone. Then you can get rid of your prejudices. Check any prejudice that you have, whether it makes sense or not. Then you realize, namely, whether it is your own prejudice due to a bad experience. In general, however, such paradigms are inherited, that means you have taken it over from somebody else.

Such prejudices come from your family and later the public opinion. But are you the public opinion?

Why do you want to limit yourself with such a useless burden and beliefs?
So get clear what you can get rid and make space for new information. To change your attitudes give your subconscious supporting information that you bring your goals.

Begin to see diversity as enrichment. You do this if you go to Greek, Italian, Indian, Turkish or Portuguese restaurants or cook even after such recipes. However, are you able to love these people from these countries unconditionally? These people often live in your neighborhood.

Peace can only be achieved if we learn to love all people. This is a shorter or longer learning process that depends on where you now stand.
But why not just start NOW? What prevents you
– to love yourself?
– to check your prejudices and then to successfully throw them overboard?

Just make the first step on your way to a happier and more successful life.

What is in 2012 – part 2

December 23, 2010

In parallel, the Venus is active. Werner Neuner says that Venus is the big sister of the Earth. It helps Gaia with her heartache she has with us humans. For us, Venus sent on specific dates eruptions of plasma that touch the earth. This was done from 27th to 29th of October 2010. This radiation of the Venus was exceptionally intense, even disturbing for many people. The next date will be 6th of June 2012.

The Venusian impetus questions our love pictures. They talk of a larger and freer love picture, of a love of cosmic size, of unconditional love. I experienced this love once – just great!
The transformation of love pictures (paradigms) is not a private but a collective issue that affects us all. The universe trusts us, to solve the problems which are only challenges. The plasma emission of Venus has increased 600 times in the past 30 years. This gives us the necessary information when we listen to our hearts.
On 8th of June 2012 will be the next intense Venus event when Venus – Earth and Sun are in one line. Our paradigms (blockages) resolution is announced. Do not hold on to partnerships, which want to be resolved, that do not work anymore. Do not look for the dream soul mate. We are called to love all people without condemning someone, for we are all of the same energy and interconnected. Everyone has their own learning goals in life, whether we find this good, we are not responsible for their learning program. We can create a field of peace on earth only by living the unconditional love and then we end the war between ourselves and the war against Mother Earth.

Life is Love where is yours?

September 19, 2010

We are used to identify ourselves by things we are not: our physical shape (obsession with appearance), and our work (fixation on activity), our relation to others (fixation on status), our material possessions (fixing the surface of life ).

We are not the accidents of fate, but energy of consciousness.

Just as we are not the sum of our memories of our relationship. These factors are indeed closer to the truth, because they include a human dimension, a unique profile, which needs to be aware of other people when they say that they “know” us.

Who are you? What is your purpose of life? Are you currently doing what you always wanted to do? Or are you just in a profession because somebody told you to go for that? Are you just doing a job because of money?

Whenever we do things which are not our true self, things go wrong. You become sick, get stuck in the rat race and lose your beloved people around you, because you cannot see them anymore. And the time you spend together has no quality.

Life is Love and Love is Life