Archive for the ‘Fears’ category

Fear of change

December 11, 2011

As long as you think only what you have always thought and done, you cannot obtain other results.

Are you afraid of change?
Do you think that all is well, how it is now?
Are you getting in panic when something in your living environment changes?
Do you trust yourself to realize your dreams?
Where do your eyes light up?

What is your bliss?
Write down your answers to these questions in a notebook and work with it! Take it as your chance, because that’s your key to success!
Realities in our lives at the inside and outside show us that we cannot continue as we do. Whether you want to believe it or not, we are on the threshold of a new era.
This is a tension generating aspect that creates the collapse of the old forms of security. However, this can also lead to a new sense of liberation and self-empowerment and new creations. We all have the feeling that the crisis can shake the foundations of the government, banking, commerce and religion, and usher in its demise.
The decline in global economic development will continue to create situations (crises), which is increasingly evident. If no changes are made, or only superficial, cosmetic changes are made, then we will force a fundamental restructuring of the way we govern our societies, financial and religious institutions and children and eventually ourselves. The pace of change will continue to rise and sudden, unexpected, catastrophic events, both natural and man-made kind, the shortcomings of the present system show clearly and openly.

Within our own personal lives the economic climate brings us and other invisible spiritual realities in a situation like in a pressure cooker. We can no longer trust those whom we trusted and have been considered as trustworthy. We even can no longer believe, of what we were told, by the one who knew the answers. More and more we are confronted with the question “Do I stay on this sinking ship and now or is it time to jump off?”

It is a time that brings us deep questions:
– What is really important?
– What is safe?
– What is necessary?
– What is right?
The most difficult part of the answer is that the answers cannot be given since there is no longer an universal truth for everyone, truth must be given individually, which will bring more and more diverse forms of self expression on the planet. Although it may not seem like that we are actually freer than we ever were before.

We can create our own life.
It’s time to play, risk and take the chance to be happy and to practice the transformation of yourself and your life. You have to practice again and again. Without practice there is no change, unfortunately.

Gratitude is an attitude

November 27, 2011

In this days and age most people are sinking into paralysis of fear, about what is and what may yet happen.

The downward global economy trend will continue to create situations (crisis) where it becomes more and more obvious that changes need to be made, not superficial cosmetic changes, but a fundamental restructuring of the way we govern our societies, financial and religious institutions, children and finally ourselves.

But if we go into fear, we are worsening our situation and we cannot see clearly what is going on. Invest in yourself so that you will enhance your knowledge. If you listen to your inner voice, you’ll find the right way for you.
Find out how you can meditate easily:
– Guided meditations,
– Walks, where you come into your peace,
– Mantra chanting,
– Tai Chi.

Give yourself the rest you need to come into your power. For here waits a big job for you!
You are part of everything you see and do not see. You have the opportunity to live in harmony with creation, instead of controlling and governing the earth and your surroundings. You are not a fallen angel. You are here voluntarily and you did consciously decided to come this time, to be exactly here in time of change. You are a committed and powerful being. You are the creator of your conscious thoughts, your feelings and actions, and thus the resulting consequences. If you want to have different results, it is the initial situation that you have to change your thoughts.

Thoughts can be changed if we go into gratitude. Make gratitude an attitude. Be grateful for what you have and what is good for you. Then you can achieve everything, what do you want to have and be. Just be thankful for what you want to achieve. Gratitude are powerful thoughts that are associated with feelings of joy!
Everything in our life – from healing of diseases to the expectations our lifetime, success in our work and relationships – anything that we experience as “life” is in direct connection with what you are convinced of. Gratitude helps you to create a new belief that creates a lighter and more successful life.

Therefore, we should with all our expectations to take an even more aware step to be a co-creator. Collectively we can influence the outcome. Thus, we can also resist control and manipulation from those who are in the dominant positions of power. We just need to use our minds and listen to our hearts to know the truth. Trust yourself and your feelings! Use the highest level of your heart and mind, to feel the truth in every situation. Your heart and your mind, your thoughts and feelings are powerful forces when combined, they are a creative dynamo. If we examine our beliefs and throw the useless overboard, we cannot only change our lives, but also to have an impact on the big picture. Remember always that you are connected with the whole universe, in exchange, and that every thought is stored in the morphogenetic field.

In gratitude you will go your way in confidence. There are so many good projects that need your support.

November 2011 is a very important time

October 30, 2011

This is going to be a great month! The degree of your happiness will be largely dependent upon your ability to open yourself to others and the world. As long as you remain in a state of fear and separation, expending your energy in trying to keep the intruders out, guard yourself (your physical body, possessions, business etc.) then you may run yourself on disaster! You become desperately stressed by situations and people. You cannot control yourself and the situations you are in, and have a miserable time. The other attitude, and what I suggest, is that you get over yourself! Your petty little concerns may seem like such big important issues in the moment. But the moment you open yourself to the forces of evolution acting in your life through these so called “intruders – intrusions” into your overly structured and egoically maintained reality. There are so many chances around you and you will not see them as long as you stay in fear!

Things look disastrous, ignore them or learn to see them as what they are. Only out of chaos something new can be born. We live in a time of big changes and need to grow. When you grow your consciousness you will notice that the old structures are no longer working. Greed and egoism are destroying the economy and human relationships.

We live in a very critical time. But I can assure you, that when you overcome your fear you will find peace in yourself and hear your inner voice. Follow these inspirations as they are connected to the Universal wisdom, the morphogenetic field.

This is a month of huge change in more ways than one. Change that can be celebrated or feared, you have the choice! In the yogic tradition, 11-11-11 marks the actual birth of the Aquarian Age! It is high time to end the old paranoid ways and approaches to life based upon physical, material survival, and be open to a new understanding of the interconnectedness and interdependence. I would like to call it intersupport of all existence.  We are all energy and energy is interconnected and flows. Render yourself to the flow of life! Stop clinging to things or situations that want to change!

As with any new beginning there is necessarily the release or end of the old patterns:

–       relationships,

–       structures,

–       beliefs,

–       ideas.

They have kept us in a state of immaturity…. Now it is time to grow up.

Frozen in fear and worry

October 23, 2011

Even if you’re frozen in fear and worry and have the feeling to be incapacitated, then wake up, please. There is also another truth and for that you need to look behind the facades.
Drag your personal ripcord before you will sink into depression and burnout, or even thinking about suicide. For this is not your truth!
Your truth lies hidden deep within you and has to do with your life purpose and your goals. Because before we incarnate, we have set ourselves targets. Find out what is your purpose in this life.
You can achieve anything if you know what you want and are developing the necessary endurance. You can reach everything, if you work on yourself and also on your business. Increase your knowledge and awareness. Invest in yourself! The best investment in times of change!
We all are part of the creative power of God and with the power of thought we determine our reality. So if you do not like your reality, you have to change your thoughts. Therefore it is important to check your attitudes and beliefs. New ideas are corroborated by aims and the appropriate affirmations. Then new attitudes and habits are developing.
If you freeze in fear and worries, stop to take care of messages in the media, because that’s just one truth, but not your reality! Prefer to read books that will enrich your knowledge and increase your awareness.
We live in changing times and each of us has the chance to change for an active life. Just give yourself the chance to create your life purpose. Give this power not in other preople´s hands and lead a life at second hand. This is what people do, who get their truth by watching television. They look at programs that reinforce their fears and concerns and reaffirm these truths in our subconscious.
It is up to you to lead finally an active life and determine your own purpose. Write your goals and dreams. Make a list of 101 goals, and then choose from this list the 5 most important, on which you want to work on.
In my e-book you find more information about the reality of change:
“2012 – Our Reality of Change” by Angela Schulz-Henke
Available on Kindle at or

Fear contra the courage taking decisions

September 4, 2011

Which is bigger? Fear to take decisions or the fear of losing security?
What does security mean?  What is still safe? We live in a time of change and the only constant is change.
We are now hardly working as our parents did, more than 30 or even 40 years for one employer. Rarely, we are spared to get a second job, if we continue as an employee, want to enjoy the apparent safety. Often enough we are forced to change our profession because of disease or allergy. Unemployment is another reason to switch jobs.
On the other hand, young graduates are worn put by working 70 hours per week. They earn good money, but have no time to spend it. The family planning cannot take place because there is not enough time to meet a partner and to nurture the relationship. The reality of young physician assistants, young leaders in management and police officers is also very alarming.


Not only working twice as much per week, but on top is the enormous stress which builds up fear of doing something wrong. How long will the joy received in the profession remain?
They are bound to illness and burnout. Burnout is hitting even younger people.


Burnout should be taken seriously. However, should it be a part of professional life? Bullying is often the trigger for burnout. And after burnout bullying comes again because the person is less resilient.
How long will you endure your professional situation? Is it worth the security of retirement? Is it more precious than a happy and healthy life? Those who know what burnout is can no longer simply return to the old rat race. This is however expected from the colleagues and they are easily an outsider in the team.
More and more people stuck in temporary contracts and have little chance of a permanent contract. With The frequent change of companies and locations, they have no chance of a normal family life. In the schools young teachers are on temporary contracts. This means a constant start for teachers and students. Frustration and illness are the answer.
Does this really imply security?
As long as you are looking for securities on the outside, you will not find any security. Security you can only discover and cultivate inside of you.
You only reach real security if you can conquer the fear. Because then you can live in peace with yourself and the world. Only then you will also experience long-term success.


Get to know your fears. Then you’ll find that they rarely have to do something with your life reality. Fear is Mind Cinema! But nevertheless, it determines your life!


Which decision do you need to take urgently??

What are fears and where do they come from?

August 20, 2011

It is fact that most people grew up with fears and worries and consider that as normal. Therefore they consider that these intense feelings are a part of their life as breathing is. This we have absorbed almost as the breast milk. So if we do not know anything else, it seems to us that to be the most normal thing in the world.

Yes, and not even if we are seriously ill, we know the causes behind illness. We just do not want to look behind the reasons, just because we or our subconscious knows nothing else. If you do not want to let your subconscious mind to govern your life, it means irrevocably that you will have to take action and responsibility for your life! On the other hand, who has told you as a child that is possible to lead life without any worries? As an adult that cannot be an excuse. We all strive for inner peace, but do not find the way. That may change now, if you are ready to take responsibility.
The very first step is the will to accept responsibility for your thoughts, feelings and actions. Stop at once to blame others for your plight. It is not your partner, your children, your boss, politics, crisis, or even your parents. It is only you who can reach different results in your life. And only you decide which way you go. Do you choose the way to a juicy and more successful life or the way to illness or even depression?

“Who does not know how to fight fear and worry, dies early” ~ Dr. Alexis Carrel

Worries and anxieties play a role in high blood pressure, heart and stomach ailments, even at rheumatism.
Your reality reflects your thoughts. So change your thoughts and stay healthy!

What is the Purpose of my Life?

June 12, 2011

Healing is embracing what you fear most.
Healing is the opening of what was previously closed.
Healing is the softening of what was hardened to a blockade.
Healing is the acceptance of others, no matter how they are.
Healing is learning to trust life.
Healing is to know that I am.
Healing can happen if you take a different view. Every coin has two sides. I can always look at everything only negative: “It will work out anyway! ” “Why should I be lucky?”, “It’s not for me!”
Dare a paradigm shift:
– What is really relevant to live a happy and fulfilling life?
– How to increase your success in life?
– How do you win a maximum of quality of life?
– What decisions do you need to take urgently?

Currently, we are encouraged massively to say goodbye to things / relationships that no longer function and are therefore no longer part of our lives. Do not look back and hold on things which need to go. Thus you will not see the opportunities that lie before you.
Open yourself, become part of the process to find out who you really are and why you did incarnate to be here right now.

Why I’m here – just in the time of great changes?
1) What is my purpose to be incarnated at this time?
2) What is my contribution in this life that increases the quality of life for everybody?
3) What is the reason for what I do right now (in all areas of life)
4) What do I want to leave to those who come after me?
5) What inspires me?
I wish you much fun on your way to find out your purpose of this life!

Every crisis is a hidden opportunity!

May 29, 2011

The beginning is, to accept it as such. Then you should clearly see the worst scenario in your mind. Between the opportunity and the worst scenario is your world of possibilities. Always ask yourself – what are the chances here? What chance is there to feel, to think, act or live differently? What are your dreams? Your dreams can come true. This is solely up to you.
As perhaps some of you have already heard our life reality is the result of our thoughts. And the thoughts are based on the paradigms, the beliefs we have stored in our subconscious. Here is no room for development. Fears and concerns get out of hand and thus you could easily be placed in the downward spiral that leads to depression, illness in the self-dissolution. From this apparent feeling of helplessness then arises even violence.
When you start to learn and grow beyond your present self and life, you do not need to become helpless. Create your life! This, however, associated with changes. Nature is constantly changing, why are we fighting against it?
Especially when we all want to live in peace and harmony, we must change our rules, our morals / our beliefs. Everything is there, whatever you want to have. However, the functionality of what we call morality is gone from our lives. What works well? Rating in times of change is no longer relevant. A crisis always calls for more changes.

Start with:
– Stop blaming others.
– Stop expecting others to change for you.
– Stop to assess.
– Stop using words like BUT. Use instead HOWEVER. However looks for solutions.
Good and bad are reviews that do not get you anywhere. We can only perceive whether something works or it does not work. The latter requires change. As long as we assess something as good or evil, nothing changes and thus means stagnation.

The world is changing

January 31, 2011

and you hopefully as well! Many people do not want to believe this and still look only backwards or hold on to things that no longer function. Fear still rules their lives. The fear is based in the subconscious. It stores the fears of your parents, grandparents or society. These fears have usually nothing to do with your reality, but it affects your reality.
Leave your fears behind you, since you’re not only the spectator but also the participant. You are the architect of your life. In our world the biggest crisis of the known human history developed to a question of our survival, it is high time for change.

If you acknowledge that the universe, our world and our bodies consist of a same energy field, is the most important beginning. This is known as quantum hologram, the Spirit of God, the spirit of nature or called the divine matrix. Recognize that human beliefs and the associated feelings and emotions have a direct impact on our DNA. And if you change your beliefs regarding your body and our world, the divine matrix until translates this into the reality of your life. You just need to know what you want to be changed. I decided at Christmas, that I want to change in the new year. I declared to be more open to new options. It’s absolutely fascinating to see what has come to me in the last 5 weeks.

The people of Tunisia and in Egypt have made their decisions and it’s just wonderful to see the enormous peaceful, yet resolute force prevails on the part of the population. They do not get impressed by the negative energies of power and its apparatus. It is great to see what the same changes or decisions can set free changes for countries!
What are the chances that your fear leaves you? Believe in yourself and your goals! Be open to something new and let old things go, so that new things can come!


Crisis as a time of opportunities

July 26, 2010

Every crisis is a hidden opportunity. The beginning is to accept it as such. Then you should imagine the worst scenario result in mind. Between the opportunity and the worst scenario is a world of possibilities. Ask yourself in each situation – what is the chance here? What chance is to feel it differently, to think, act, or to live differently?

The truth about our present
The information that I give you today is of some importance. We already have entered a new stage of consciousness and because you feel this or even know it, you are here on this call today. Welcome.
Let me give you some information and then we open for questions.
The transformation of global consciousness has already begun. The transformation is taking place in our consciousness and that in us. There is a sense of urgency behind what I’m trying to convey. We live at a critical time in human history. Nothing is hidden anymore (see the secrets of the Catholic Church or corruption stories) and the negative forces seem to take the upper hand. Violence is on the rise and panic is fuelled. More and more people fall into the downward spiral of depression, illness and even suicide.

This is a critical stage of our consciousness. The old stage of consciousness, or better the subconscious, functions no more. This leads to destruction! Old answers no longer fit to new questions. That is why it is so important, that more and more people open up to the new awareness.  Most of the people live in the dark. They live only second hand, i.e. 4 – 6 hours television, newspaper, radio and popular literature. Their consciousness is permanently bombarded by information, which the subconscious receives with joy, because it already knows this, and which will strengthen what is already there.
Like maybe some of you have already heard, our life reality is the result of our thoughts. And the thoughts are based on the paradigms, the beliefs we have stored in our subconscious. There is no room for development. Fears and concerns increase and thus they are in the downward spiral that leads through depression, illness in the self-dissolution. Violence arises when there is no answer and the apparent impotence is felt.

Now, if there is no change in consciousness, humanity will destroy itself!