Archive for the ‘Awareness’ category

More about Indigo Children

April 1, 2013


They are children with new psychological features and thus show new behaviour patterns. To ignore these new patterns, means that this precious life will be damaged and thus only frustrations can arise.


Here are some common patterns of Indigo children:

1. They join us with a sense of their own importance and behave accordingly.

2. They feel that they deserve to be on the world and they are surprised that others do not share this view.

3. Self-esteem is not a problem for these children. They tell their parents and show it quite clearly.

4. It gives them problems with absolute authority – authority which does not offer explanations or choices.

5. They do certain things which have no meaning for them, as for instance lining up in a queue.

6. They are frustrated when systems are run by rituals and do not allow for any creative thinking.

7. They often see better ways of doing things, whether in school or at home. They are then perceived as children who rebel against the existing systems.

8. Indigo Children are therefore often perceived as antisocial unless they are together with their peers. If there are no other persons whose consciousness is not on a similar level, these children often withdraw into themselves and have the feeling that nobody understands them.

9. They do not respond to discipline from feelings of guilt (“Just you wait until your father comes home and finds out what you have done.”).

10. They are not reticent when it comes to voicing their needs.


Have you met children exhibiting this behaviour? During the last century there were Indigo children but not many. However, over the past 40 years, the number of these children has increased enormously. Initially, they were perceived as children as highly intelligent children. This is what parents and teachers can accept much more easily. We certainly need different perspectives and approaches. For in the last 10 to 15 years the number of children of the new generation has increased dramatically. Sometimes it is said that now 100% of the children up to ten years are crystal or Indigo children.


These children, however, are still treated wrongly, because they are simply different, and parents and teachers will be challenged by them. For most parents and teachers it is easier to provide them with the stamp of ADHD and treat them with medication. I cannot bear the harm which is done to these children, just because adults do not want to deal with them. Do those experts really know that they lay hands on our development as a human race? This is one of my reasons for writing this e-book. I want to raise awareness and inform you so that you will help to spread enlightened information and thus we can stop this nonsense.


More Information in my E-Book “2012 – our reality of change” :

Creative Consciousness

March 16, 2013

We are eternally existing, free and creative consciousness. Everything is energy and interconnected, so we are also connected to our entire solar system. Each of us is part of the comprehensive creation consciousness. Pantheism is the alternative to the image of God of the churches. I would urge you to recognize that you are part of God that you are your own guru, your own master and that you are your own creator. Your reality is the result of your thoughts. It is now important to define the results. This requires that you define your new ideas and expand your knowledge.

Become aware of your beliefs. Connect to Gaia and ask her for guidance and help. Find access to your inner voice, so you understand the healing momentum of Gaia. It makes sense that you be aware of your inner voice in daily exercise. The inner voice is important is in the process of expanding consciousness, for this intuition is the direct access to our “higher self“ that is otherwise hidden from us forever. Our connections to this area are outside the morphogenetic field. They are only available through the intuitive areas of the brain. However, it not only concerns our brain, because all our cells have a kind of brain as well.


The human being takes a special position in the history of evolution. He already possesses consciousness since the creation of his new brain. Thus he is able to reflect on everything perceived to process, classify and evaluate it. That is what essentially our consciousness process is. Our awareness reflects, filters and assesses the external experience and thereby continues forming believes. But awareness also brought a dramatic change in self-perception. To ascertain his consciousness, man must perceive himself as isolated individual – as EGO. Our ego is part of evolutionary plan. For this is the era in which we gain experience, which could only be done because with our birth the veil of forgetfulness was placed over us.


But still we are more connected than we can currently imagine. Be aware that we live in an interactive universe. We communicate with our environment and the galaxy without even knowing about it. However, if we learn to listen to our inner voice, we have access to these communications. Remember what I wrote in the foreword. Between 4:40am to 5:30am in the morning the never ending source tries to get into contact with us. The inspirations that come to you will lead you into lighter and more peaceful life when you follow them.


Furthermore, we must understand that we are co-creators; we are participants and not spectators. We are not passive, but our thoughts are always actively involved in whatever happens around us. We influence everything with our thoughts and feelings. Therefore we have to take on the responsibility and can no longer blame others for what happens to us.

Be a creative, conscious and responsible human being!


Frozen in fear and worry

October 23, 2011

Even if you’re frozen in fear and worry and have the feeling to be incapacitated, then wake up, please. There is also another truth and for that you need to look behind the facades.
Drag your personal ripcord before you will sink into depression and burnout, or even thinking about suicide. For this is not your truth!
Your truth lies hidden deep within you and has to do with your life purpose and your goals. Because before we incarnate, we have set ourselves targets. Find out what is your purpose in this life.
You can achieve anything if you know what you want and are developing the necessary endurance. You can reach everything, if you work on yourself and also on your business. Increase your knowledge and awareness. Invest in yourself! The best investment in times of change!
We all are part of the creative power of God and with the power of thought we determine our reality. So if you do not like your reality, you have to change your thoughts. Therefore it is important to check your attitudes and beliefs. New ideas are corroborated by aims and the appropriate affirmations. Then new attitudes and habits are developing.
If you freeze in fear and worries, stop to take care of messages in the media, because that’s just one truth, but not your reality! Prefer to read books that will enrich your knowledge and increase your awareness.
We live in changing times and each of us has the chance to change for an active life. Just give yourself the chance to create your life purpose. Give this power not in other preople´s hands and lead a life at second hand. This is what people do, who get their truth by watching television. They look at programs that reinforce their fears and concerns and reaffirm these truths in our subconscious.
It is up to you to lead finally an active life and determine your own purpose. Write your goals and dreams. Make a list of 101 goals, and then choose from this list the 5 most important, on which you want to work on.
In my e-book you find more information about the reality of change:
“2012 – Our Reality of Change” by Angela Schulz-Henke
Available on Kindle at or

Abundant Opportunities

September 11, 2011

“We must learn to understand, what we do not understand.” Dr. Michael König

We live in a time of change. Since more than 5 years Thing which worked then no longer work today. People who take advantage of others are discovered nowadays. Lies are exposed and rulers overthrown. The world is changing rapidly and people become more aware. Who does not change during the crisis and wants to cling to old truths, will perish. The consequence is to be ill or depressed. You will therefore be forced to act. Who does not change will go downhill. We always have a choice. A coin has a t least 2 sides and you have different angles to look at a situation. You always have a choice to think differently.

The number of suicide, burnout and depression are still rising. You do not have to go this way! You have to grow and become more every second.  Everybody has the ability to transform his thoughts.

The changes relate to the external and internal crisis. The external crisis was initiated by the banking crisis, followed by the real estate and economic crisis. Please do not believe any of the claims that the crisis would be behind us. Because if people do not want to change bankruptcies, unemployment, fear and anxiety, burnout, and increasing anger that comes only with incomprehension. Change is the only option we have. The only thing which is stable is change. Look at the nature.

The purest form of insanity is to keep everything the same and at the same time hope that something changes.

You also deny that we live in an ever more exciting time? How do you react to this? Become afraid and worried, because you do not understand what is going on? Please ignore the statements in the media. Things happen in order to awaken us. Wake up and leave your comfort zone. Dare to change whatever needs to be changed. First of all change yourself!

When you move you out of your comfort zone, you will notice things that you have not seen before. How you find your niche is in the next post.

Give up being satisfied…..

August 30, 2011


Satisfaction is not a virtue that leads to success. Satisfaction is counterproductive as you stop moving forward in life. Satisfaction can keep you in your comfort zone. Our subconscious mind tries to keep us there ever since, because it does not know anything else.
So if you want to be successful in life and reality is not quite as satisfying as you want, you have to get out of your comfort zone and set higher goals. This is the only way to give your subconscious new content.
Our subconscious mind has stored mainly what we have experienced prenatally until our seventh year of age. These include the emotions and spoken content of our parents, grandparents and other people who were important at that age for us. There your fears and concerns have their origin.
We feed our subconscious with content that it will recognize and solidify this information. You and your subconscious live a symbiotic relationship. Only if you recognize these believes and leave behind, you can actively take new ideas strengthen them with deep feelings and you have a chance to change things. If you leave it up to your subconscious mind, 96% of your thoughts come from your sub consciousness. We think mostly passively.
Then we feed our subconscious with
– Television and radio broadcasts, which have to do with the stored contents.
– Books and newspapers we read.
– Your beliefs that have their origin in the subconscious mind.
You and your subconscious are a good team. If you want to change something, you have to be active and lead your life consciously.
So never be never satisfied with what you have achieved, just be grateful. Leave your comfort zone and define major goals. You can achieve anything, because we are part of the creative force. Have the courage to be greater than your subconscious mind.
Satisfaction as a general mood is captive. “Actually, I feel pretty good.” And what does actually mean? Does it hold you back because of the fear of change? Where are your expectations?
If you are satisfied connected with gratitude, then you reach peace within yourself. It will not prevent you from wanting more in life and to stay in the flow.
Gratitude is the most intensive energy. What you are grateful for, you automatically draw more of that into your life.

Which is your way


Where does your focus go to?

July 3, 2011

If you are aware your purpose and to know your goals now, it is high time to focus only on your goals. If you give your sub consciousness still the chance to rule your life, you’ll never reach your goals.
To prevent this, write your goals down on cards as an affirmation. Take your targets in the correct order. Do not make the second step before the first. What is the target sequence on the way to your ultimate goal?
The affirmation can be as follows:
“I am so happy and grateful that I get on 10 September 2011 my check over $1,800  for the seminar, which I have successfully conducted.”
Hang these affirmation cards up where you see them during the day at most and then always read it aloud and feel the joy and gratitude. This is the language that your subconscious mind understands. Your subconscious needs feelings and images.
In the morning when you wake up and before going to sleep this ritual should also be completed. Give yourself 6-8 weeks for one goal, because your subconscious mind must accept that you now take the lead.
Check again and again, where your focus goes concerning your thoughts, feelings and actions? Just realize that your goal is your focus and not the gossip of the neighbors or the latest news on TV. Make a list of what you want to achieve every day, and set priorities. And then focus on the priorities and not the sidelines. This is only way you’ll learn how successful people think and act.
If you want to achieve your goals, you have to take responsibility for your thoughts, feelings and actions. Only then you will take the lead in your life.
I wish you the endurance and good luck!

Your key to success is here!

Goals give your life direction!

June 25, 2011

“If you do not know your goal, you will never find the way!” ~ Christian Morgenstern


If you now know your purpose for your being here, it is time to give your life a new direction.
Goals are important, because without them we have no guidance in our lives. Many people do not have this orientation, so they do not even know what they really want.
Without goals you cannot write the script for your life. Because if you want to go to New York you need to know how you get there.  Can you walk there or do you need a car or even an airplane? Can you communicate in your language there or do you need to know or learn another language? Where will you live and what do you want to see there? There are always many details about a target, which you can define.

I want you to stop and think about what do you really want?

–  Is it more money?
–  Better relationships?
–  A specific weight or fitness level?
–  Perhaps it is a new business idea you want to achieve?
–  Or perhaps to spend more time with your family and friends?
Get a notebook and write down 101 things you want to achieve, to enjoy and have in this life. These goals must be bigger than you. Think XXL, even if your mind tries to tell you, you cannot achieve this. If you give your mind right, then stop with this exercise. Write down what you’ve been dreaming of and still dream of. What are your visions?

Without vision there is no progress in your life.

Every crisis is a hidden opportunity!

May 29, 2011

The beginning is, to accept it as such. Then you should clearly see the worst scenario in your mind. Between the opportunity and the worst scenario is your world of possibilities. Always ask yourself – what are the chances here? What chance is there to feel, to think, act or live differently? What are your dreams? Your dreams can come true. This is solely up to you.
As perhaps some of you have already heard our life reality is the result of our thoughts. And the thoughts are based on the paradigms, the beliefs we have stored in our subconscious. Here is no room for development. Fears and concerns get out of hand and thus you could easily be placed in the downward spiral that leads to depression, illness in the self-dissolution. From this apparent feeling of helplessness then arises even violence.
When you start to learn and grow beyond your present self and life, you do not need to become helpless. Create your life! This, however, associated with changes. Nature is constantly changing, why are we fighting against it?
Especially when we all want to live in peace and harmony, we must change our rules, our morals / our beliefs. Everything is there, whatever you want to have. However, the functionality of what we call morality is gone from our lives. What works well? Rating in times of change is no longer relevant. A crisis always calls for more changes.

Start with:
– Stop blaming others.
– Stop expecting others to change for you.
– Stop to assess.
– Stop using words like BUT. Use instead HOWEVER. However looks for solutions.
Good and bad are reviews that do not get you anywhere. We can only perceive whether something works or it does not work. The latter requires change. As long as we assess something as good or evil, nothing changes and thus means stagnation.

Excerpt of my E-book “2012 – Our reality of changes”

April 12, 2011

The Earth is in turmoil because we humans exploit and abuse her and have shown a lack of respect for Mother Earth. Once, when we decided to live on earth, we were full of love and enthusiasm for this beautiful planet. Then we were taught to subdue the earth. Meanwhile we have reached a point where we have more problems than solutions. This we experience with the disaster of March 2011 and the problems still continue.

Now, however, we still have time to change and have the chance to live our life more consciously. We can change together with the earth and there is no need not be afraid. Venus, Sun, Mars and Jupiter are active. They help us to wake up, to raise our consciousness so that we realise and change our attitude towards our Mother Earth and perceive her as living being. She is going through a planetary incarnation, emotions, and a planetary development plan. This development plan is more complex than that of human beings. However, we have the chance of a lifetime to move forward in the history of humanity to raise our consciousness and to live from the heart. This means listening to your inner voice and in this way you will follow your heart.

You are a part of everything you see and you have the opportunity to live in harmony with creation.  Unfortunately what is happening at present is that humans are trying to tamper with our planet without realizing what the outcomes could be.

You are not a fallen angel. You are here voluntarily and you did consciously decide also to be on earth at this particular time. You are a dedicated and powerful being. You are the creator of your conscious thoughts, your feelings and actions, and thus the creator of the resulting consequences as well.

Always be aware that you not only have direct access to God, which means to be connected to the inspiration; but you yourself are a spark of creative intelligence, which is responsible for your existence. In order to engage in precisely this creative intelligence Sun, Venus, Hunab Ku, and some other planets are there to help us right now.

Where does the support come from which we urgently need to develop ourselves within the little time left for us to raise our consciousness?

The e-book will be available on

You are the creator of your life

February 8, 2011

Which is your purpose of life

“You are the storyteller of your own life, and you can create the legend or not.”
~Isabel Allende

Can you meanwhile understand that you are the one who writes the script for your life? In order to write the best script for your life, you need to know your purpose of life. Have a look what really makes you happy? Is your job making you happy? Or do you need to force yourself to go to work and do what you need to do. I can predict that you are getting sick, get a burnout or be mobbed one day. That is what you attract when you do not love what you do.

When you limit yourself thinking that you will not be able to earn money with what you enjoy doing, you will never live a fulfilled life. There are many niches to set up your own business or work from home. When you found out what it is, look for answers and try to live your purpose. Never give up getting there even if you have to follow some sidetracks and come back to the main road again. You might take up a par time job while you set up your business.

When you have written your script be aware that it will not work on autopilot. And do not stay in the situation that you plan and do not act. Without action you will never reach your goals. When you want to get from New York to London you would make sure that you know how and when to get there and then start your journey. The same happens with your aims. Make sure you that you take action every day. Do not delay and never give up. Be confident in yourself and listen to your inner voice!

When you know your aim set up a time table and create smaller aims which are easier to realize on the journey to your big aim. When you notice something is holding you up, it might be paradigms in your subconscious mind. That might be the time to look for a coach who helps you to find and resolve these paradigms.