Archive for the ‘divine matrix’ category

The world is changing

January 31, 2011

and you hopefully as well! Many people do not want to believe this and still look only backwards or hold on to things that no longer function. Fear still rules their lives. The fear is based in the subconscious. It stores the fears of your parents, grandparents or society. These fears have usually nothing to do with your reality, but it affects your reality.
Leave your fears behind you, since you’re not only the spectator but also the participant. You are the architect of your life. In our world the biggest crisis of the known human history developed to a question of our survival, it is high time for change.

If you acknowledge that the universe, our world and our bodies consist of a same energy field, is the most important beginning. This is known as quantum hologram, the Spirit of God, the spirit of nature or called the divine matrix. Recognize that human beliefs and the associated feelings and emotions have a direct impact on our DNA. And if you change your beliefs regarding your body and our world, the divine matrix until translates this into the reality of your life. You just need to know what you want to be changed. I decided at Christmas, that I want to change in the new year. I declared to be more open to new options. It’s absolutely fascinating to see what has come to me in the last 5 weeks.

The people of Tunisia and in Egypt have made their decisions and it’s just wonderful to see the enormous peaceful, yet resolute force prevails on the part of the population. They do not get impressed by the negative energies of power and its apparatus. It is great to see what the same changes or decisions can set free changes for countries!
What are the chances that your fear leaves you? Believe in yourself and your goals! Be open to something new and let old things go, so that new things can come!