Archive for May 2012

Stay Proactive

May 27, 2012

We moved into the airy sign of Gemini. This is the time to fly like a bird and fly away. Things are going to speed up and shapes are shifting.


Now you need to talk, negotiate, figure out or how to get away with. With whom you need to talk. Are there areas in business where you need to negotiate for better results? Which areas of life need new answers?


We are infinite spiritual beings in a body with an EGO. The Ego is the left brain. It works with contrast: this or that way, black or white etc. The Ego is rational and logical. The counter part is your inner voice which is connected to the ultimate truth. It deals with your spectrum of feelings and connected to your heart and third eye.


Your brain goes yes – no, yes – no …

Your feelings are connected to life. Our mind is limited and confusing. You can talk yourself into anything. It is cut off of true feelings. Learn to listen to your inner voice and trust your gut feelings. I do this since more than a year and just want to inspire you to do the same. Stop listening to a brain which talks bullshit.


Since a few years I always woke up between 3:30am and 4:30am and after 30 minutes, usually went back to sleep. Perhaps like most people you might think of sleep disorders. If so, you could well visit the doctor’s surgery and wind up taking sleeping pills. But far from this! This is the time when the Universe / God try to contact us. Does this sound absurd? Just stay in bed, leave the light off and be open to your inspiration. Try it out! For me, these inspirations are very valuable. Together with my inner voice I lead my life and can stay centered and in peace of mind.

Be open for the expansion of your knowledge and your awareness. It’s just wonderful to see the interconnections which we really live in. You do not live your little, single, individual life; you’re connected to everything even to the far reaches of the galaxy.


Just slow down and express your true self!

Here is your mantra:

“When my mind is in service to my spirit I am not confused or distracted, but totally proactive!”

More information in my books on Amazon

What are your seeds?

May 20, 2012

With the solar eclipse today it is most important to sow your seeds. The aura of the earth is broken by this eclipse. Now it is possible that the reseeding of us human beings can start as the energies from the deep space and they can enter in our sphere, our magnetic field and our cells. This new energy is like a catalyst and will bring big change. There will be a lot of new events and it is most necessary to go within.


Stay in the feeling of love and gratitude. Check my block on these topics. You urgently need to get out of fear and worries. How to get there tells you one of my e-books. Be still, stabilize yourself and get calm.


The topics right now are possession and your body. Possession includes even the bigger context like banks, government, churches and our own possession. Always remember that security lies in yourself and does never come from outside. Insurances will never give you the security you need in this time of change. Insurances have the funds in food and water which is simply unethical to bet on food and water.

If you cannot calm down your mind, you simply get sick: high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attacks, burnout, and depression and at last more often suicide!


It is suggested by the experts that the more people are open to raise their consciousnesses, which are willing to learn and grow, the more likely it is that mankind will survive. We also have so much support from the galaxy, visible support on our earth from the evidence of crop circles, children of the new age and crystal skulls that appear now.


As we can create our individual world, so we can collectively create our future and thus the change into the next dimension positive. To create peace, it needs only 8,000 people in the world who meditate and feel peace every minute.


Everyone has the responsibility for his/ her life, i.e. for his/ her thoughts, feelings and actions. However, we can do more together and not only for us but also for others. For we are helping to increase the positive energy and parallel  all our thoughts, feelings and actions are stored in the morphogenetic field and is accessible to all.


Be open for the expansion of your knowledge and your awareness. It’s just wonderful to see the interconnections which we really live in. You do not live your little, single, individual life; you’re connected to everything even to the far reaches of the galaxy.


Now, however, we still have time to change and have the chance to live our life more consciously. We can change together with the earth and there is no needing to be afraid. Venus, Sun, Mars and Jupiter are active. They help us to wake up, to raise our consciousness so that we realize and change our attitude towards our Mother Earth and perceive her as living being. She is going through a planetary incarnation, emotions, and a planetary development plan. This development plan is more complex than that of human beings. However, we have the chance of a lifetime to move forward in the history of humanity to raise our consciousness and to live from the heart. This means listening to your inner voice and in this way you will follow your heart.


The time we enter is very chaotic with the collapse of the financial and housing markets. Do not get dependent on these issues. Stay within yourself, get rid of fear and worries and listen to your inner voice. Your inner voice is connected to the morphogenetic field.


Sit on a rock, embrace a tree or work in the garden to connect yourself with Gaia. She needs your seeds to heal! Realize the new energy and the change within you. Only if you are in the center of the tornado you are safe. Your inner work connects you to the deep truth, which are your seeds.


The only way to get your core needs to be fulfilled, is to stabilize yourself! It is high time to chill out and get still in the chaotic world around you.


The winds of change are just around the corner. Be a part of it!


You get more information in my e-books “Success Killer No 1 – Fear and Worries” and “ 2012- Our reality of Change” on

What are Rituals?

May 13, 2012

Rituals strengthen our habits. This is not an option in 2012. It is important that we change ourselves and expand our consciousness. Therefore, we should break with the rituals that make no sense. Scour your rituals and see what you can change instantly. There are many rituals that you have set as your children were small. Do they still make sense?

If we want to expand our consciousness, we need to think bigger and things change constantly. As you attempt to change old habits in everyday life you certainly must do things differently. Look at the little things that you can change. Find out the aspects where your habits and rituals are sabotaging you in your personal growth or in your relationships. Then find out what you can change by thinking and acting bigger. Dare you to leave your comfort zone.

Now is the time to sow and very special days will be June 5th and 6th. Take your time off and see what you can modify for your own growth in all areas of life. It is the time to plant seeds.

Leave your mundane life with the mundane content and activities. Celebrate your life in every area of life. Avoid profanity in communication, relationship, sex, and in dealing with the people. Instead of being stuck in prejudices start to celebrate every aspect of life. This includes the gratitude for the little things in life.

Remember that with gratitude, as if you had already gotten, what you desired, you can attract everything in your life. I encourage you to live a blessed life. This includes also the fact that you not only accept yourself as you are, but love yourself with all your heart. This is only way that you can experience a life of unconditional love. The only way you can see people without prejudice.

Live a blessed life, by seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, and experiencing the seeds in your life. Take time to relax; enjoy your body, food, garden, nature and diving into the waters of the lake or river. Bless the water that you drink, because it gets new energies. This way you can bring the energy that is still lacking into your life.

Ceremonies are something special. Put this peculiarity in everything that is important for you. This is only way to change your values and beliefs. With this new perspective you can change your habits.

It is important immediately stopping
– to blame others for your mundane life.
– No, and Never have to be banished from your vocabulary and your thoughts.
– But instead replace it with, however, as however is solution-oriented.

Celebrate yourself and be free of your limitations! Enjoy your great life!

More about 2012 on

Outside is like the Inside

May 6, 2012

What outside currently shows is exactly what is going on inside of us right now. The macrocosm is like the microcosm!
Currently, we use only 10% of our brain mass. 90% are unaware. Even the subconscious mind has great power over us.
This weekend with the full moon, we have the opportunity to increase our subconscious. Imagine that you are you aware of your blood flow and heartbeat. The Black Lilith represents the subconscious and the feminine aspects. We all have the opportunity to increase our awareness. For this purpose it is important to let go deeper blockages. But for that you usually need the support of a coach or really good friend who knows you.
However, your body also tells you, which wounds it has. These sores give conclusions about the blockades. Therefore, our body knows exactly what can heal it. We just have to learn to listen to our body. The wisdom of your body is infinite. It is the reflection of your thoughts, fears and actions.
Now you should activate your passion and desires, because then you learn where you have blockages and you meet them.
If you desire a long vacation far away, what thoughts are coming up:
– I have no time anyway.
– I do not have the money.
– I can never afford that.
– I cannot leave my business, parents, etc. alone.
This way you recognize your blockades. Work with them and let them go. Your beliefs are holding you back from success. These are your limiting factors. If you decide to set yourself free, you can be free.
It can be a wild time, because it is more important that we continue to move forward. Looking forward helps us to perceive the available opportunities. Grow big; love yourself and your body. Appreciate everything that comes across your way. Be grateful for small things.
What is painful to you, let it go. Go into your feelings, just so you can recognize the pain and let it go. This also includes all the limiting institutions: church, political parties, banking systems, etc. In the future they will no longer be important.
We are in the cleansing phase, we need to make room for new projects and ideas and therefore go for them. This includes how you see your own future.

More info in “2012 – Our Reality of Change”  on
Enjoy this full moon with its impulses!