Success Intelligence

Posted September 2, 2013 by angelash4
Categories: character, emotional intelligence, empathy, skill of listening

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As a successful person, but also as a promising candidate for a job ( problem solvers and profit earner ) you should deal strictly with the so-called soft skills. Successful marketing for your own  is underpinned by a skillful relationship management. The building blocks for this are emotional intelligence and social skills. To clarify these concepts , it takes a little theory .

What is emotional intelligence ?

The American psychologist Howard Gardner had suggested in the 1970s that the concept of intelligence by then was too one-sided – reduced to logical and rational skills – as it then was defined . He then reformulated the model of ” multiple intelligences ” .

Gardner thereby classified the various types of intelligence as :

> Linguistic intelligence

> Mathematics and logical intelligence

> Spatial perception

> Musical intelligence

> Physically – motor intelligence

> Intrapsychic intelligence (the ability to correctly classify own feelings )

> Interpersonal intelligence ( the sensitivity to respond to the emotions of others)


The latter two forms of intelligence thereby form the framework of emotional intelligence. It is the form of intelligence that is required in networking , so the process of mutually sustaining and conveying especially in the world of work in the first place .

The American psychologist John Mayer described , together with the intelligence and emotion researcher Peter Salovey , the five essential characteristics of emotional intelligence :

> Recognizing your own feelings.

> The ability to classify emotions constructively own.

> The emotional creativity ( the emotional reaction of the force).

> Empathy (the ability to empathize with other people’s feelings ).

> Exposure to the interpersonal, social behavior


As the quintessence of the reflections on the emotional intelligence Daniel Goleman summarizes as follows: ” For all of the skills that constitute the intelligence of emotions , there is an old-fashioned word: character. ” – How true!

How would you describe your character? One major factor that helps us immensely in cooperation, work or partnership is the ability to listen carefully be for you say something!


Our Future

Posted August 11, 2013 by angelash4
Categories: energy, future, love yoursel, Mother Earth, respect, unconditional love, values

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We put our soul trusting in the love in the hands of other people. But no one out there can give us, what we really need. That what we are looking for, we can only find in ourselves. With the decision to love yourself, the most exciting journey of your life starts!

I can confirm this from my experience. We can perceive people differently because we can accept them as they are, as we can now can share unconditional love. There will be no more stereotyped thinking but true encounter.

Precisely this behaviour is important for the future of the next 20 years. Unless we learn to love ourselves unconditionally, we cannot pass on true love. We need to develop respect and recognition as values​​, since the migration is rather increasing than diminishing.

With these values ​​we must urgently treat Mother Earth as well, or hurricanes, earthquakes and floods hit us even more. Fracking for oil and gas will destroy our environment, and we certainly do not want that this planet looks inside like a Swiss cheese.

if we change our purchasing behaviour from globally to regionally and only purchase what we really need, then not only our economy has a chance to survive, but we as consumers, too. We need new technology and energy sources. The change of energy sources also prevents wars.

There will be wars about water and food, too, if we do not change our behaviour and develop values. Greed and inhumane treatment of people have no future or we all have no future!

Sustainability and values ​​are the winners! Let’s start changing NOW!

Why Manifest Money First?

Posted July 28, 2013 by angelash4
Categories: abundance, dead boke, Law of Attraction, wealth

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The Law of Attraction as explained in The Secret teaches how you can have, be and do whatever you want in life. So why focus on money?

Money on its own is neither good nor bad. It is the meaning we give it. However, there is an urgent need for teaching the laws of creating money to the world.

Take any group of 100 people at the start of their working career and follow them for 40 years until they reach retirement age and here’s what you’ll find, according to the Social Security Administration:

  • Only 1 will be wealthy
  • 4 will be financially secure
  • 5 will continue working, not because they want to but because they have to
  • 36 will be dead
  • 54 will be dead broke – dependent on the meager Social Security checks, relatives, friends and even charity for a minimum standard of living.

That’s 5% successful, 95% unsuccessful.

These, of course, are US statistics. In the rest of the world, especially the developing world, the situation is far worse.

But What Makes this 5% Different?

There are millionaires with college degrees, and millionaires with little education.

There are millionaires who were born rich. And there are millionaires who were once
dead-broke and homeless.

There are millionaires in developed countries, but also millionaires in poor nations.
There are plumbers who are millionaires, and doctors who starve.

There is no single quality that stands out among the wealthy except ONE…

The Wealthy People in the World Understand and Use the Law of Attraction in their Daily Lives.

The millionaires understand that abundance is there for the taking. It is not a win-lose situation – there is enough for everyone. We can all be rich.

But humanity must learn to harness the correct thought process to attract wealth…

To which group do you want to belong? Check out my articles on this blog and change your mind and your results!

Social skills and intelligence

Posted July 19, 2013 by angelash4
Categories: frustration tolerance, integration assets

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What are social skills and social intelligence?

Social competence is a significant aspect of emotional intelligence. This term refers primarily to the ability of interpersonal relationships, whether it be verbal or nonverbal, constructive, and make all parties satisfactory. The foundation of social skills certainly forms the so-called social intelligence.

The intelligence researcher Edward L. Thorndike defined social intelligence  early the 1920s  as “the ability to understand and to act wisely in human relations with others.” Social intelligence is thus the sensitivity, moods, motives and intentions of other people and to be able to process these human-creative and to react in the right manner. Social intelligence can be regarded as inter-personal or interpersonal intelligence, making it a kind of fuel for your networking.

This gift can also implement the ability of social competence in everyday life. Especially in the ever-evolving services and information society it represents an increasingly important focal point, as the person becomes increasingly a central economic product.


Social competence includes the following capabilities:

Empathy: recognize problems and feelings and take account of others; realistic assessment of the effect of oneself towards others.

Contact capacity: ability go to other people who show willingness to communicate; allow others to participate in discussions; openness regarding own aims, objectives and methods; trustworthy and helpful dealings with others.

Cooperation skills: picking up and continuing the ideas of others, does not distinguish itself at the expense of others, to share their own success with others; waiver of rivalry, power interests and rivalry.

Integration Assets: identify causes of conflict and seek acceptable solutions for all parties involved; target different interests, “channeling”, without neglecting their own concepts.

Information ready: sharing information with others, not holding back important information,  listen and have time to talk.

Self-discipline / frustration tolerance: respond to personal attacks not too aggressive, do not provoke others and do not be provoked by them, stay predictable in your mood.


Posted July 6, 2013 by angelash4
Categories: Challenge, changes, fun, motivation

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It is best to ask, what does motivate you  basically. Think and  look  into activities or things that make you happy. There’s definitely something into which you put all your energy. It does not need to be a professional matter that inspires you. What comes spontaneously to your mind with this question?

What does motivate you?

Ideally, one should not think about great motivators. Only if you want a career change but have not yet found the starting point, you need to answer these questions and to work out your motivation step by step.

The following questions need to be answered:

*  Which challenges and tasks give you the bliss?

*  In which environment and intellectual and emotional climate would you prefer to work?

*  With what kind of people would you preferably work together?

*  On which knowledge base you would most likely  be active?

*  What kind of things you want to deal with primarily?

*  What are your short-, medium-and long-term motivation you have and what results are     most important for you and why?

What challenges and tasks give you the bliss?

Possible areas of responsibility are not only in people, data, ideas and product-related areas, but also in the four major core areas of trade and technology, sales and management, humanities and natural sciences as well as in the artistic and creative. Where do you see yourself (multiple answers possible)? Supplement and clarify those areas – in which you want to engage…

In what environment and intellectual and emotional climate in which you would prefer to work?

Familiarize your thinking where you want to live. Write your previous residence down, and think about what you liked there, what was good and what bothered you. Ideally the current residence is identical to your property of choice. However, you should take the trouble to list the pros and cons.

20 Criteria for Your Success – Part 3

Posted June 2, 2013 by angelash4
Categories: Crisis, Goals, independence, success

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13. The strength to maintain your independence: Independent acting for most tasks in life is a prerequisite. If the ability to develop this fails, success at school and later professional success may be at high risk. Even in teamwork  independent work and thinking is expected. People with success orientation rely primarily on themselves, they act naturally and confidently taking the responsibility for their actions.

14. The strength to overcome personal difficulties: Personal crises usually affect all areas of life, even professional life. Performance-oriented people have realized, that it was not the right way to avoid personal difficulties as well as unpleasant situations, yet they separate their work and private life as much as possible.

15.The ability to concentrate on your goals: Intelligence is not a prerequisite for concentration. Many people never manage to get some time to focus only on one thing. Success-oriented persons are able to focus without too much trouble on the important things. They know the conditions under which they can operate most effectively, and provide this to their own advantage.

16. The ability to find the right balance between overload and under load for themselves: Too much ambition can be harmful: Who is overrated and exacts too much, will hardly achieve his/her goals despite dedication and hard work. Just as harmful may be under-challenged, as personal qualities are not used as they should be, and in addition opportunities may be missed. People with a winning spirit  know how to use their capacities best and also share their time to improve performance correctly.

17. The strength to develop patience in waiting is rewarded: In order to achieve success you need to see it as a lengthy process using the legitimate desire for appropriate recognition, even if  the reward is for a long time often ignored. This desire brings many people to participate only in tasks that are to be realized in a relatively short time, while larger, longer-term projects are designed to remain unrealized. Although people with successful intelligence perceive the small rewards of life, however, they  focus primarily on the things that give them the greatest long-term achievement.

How are you  getting along  to implement  these points?

They are important if we are a freelance,  an entrepreneur or even an employee. However, everyone who applies for a job can use these points to further develop his/ her strengths.

20 Criteria for Your Success

Posted May 25, 2013 by angelash4
Categories: procrastination, success orientation

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Part 2

7. The ability to finish work in progress as well: People with success orientation are not “drop-outs”, things that have been started are mostly done by them till the end. The fear of the “Next”, which leaves many people procrastinating them is largely unknown. They will find always a new and rewarding task.

8. The ability to take the initiative: Each initiative represents a binding to a situation and related consequences. Inhibition of being able to engage in something that is one of the main reasons why people are reluctant to take the initiative. The fear of liability prevents many from entering into a deeper relationship with another human being. Success-oriented individuals have the ability to be responsibly engaged in something, and thus also not afraid to feel life in front of “positive” consequences.

9. The strength to not be afraid of failures: All people make mistakes, and no one intentionally commits them . However, what distinguishes people, are the consequences . Many people develop a fear of failure, which was usually develop in childhood and is a blockage for success-oriented actions. However, making a mistake is not the same as failure. Also, of course, success-oriented people make mistakes, but they make the same mistake – usually – not again. To learn from mistakes and correcting them is an important aspect of the success orientation.

10. The ability not to push things on the back burner: Many people claim that they can work better under pressure. However, this coping strategy is usually very problematic; it is proven that almost all tasks would be qualitatively better if you used the appropriate time for it. That  procrastination in the workplace has a negative effect, is only a consequence. People with performance orientation therefore divide their time so that they can do their jobs well.

11. The strength to be able to accept legitimate criticism: People who are too sure of themselves are thinking, that they are almost invariably and are looking for someone to blame for every mistake they made. But false accusations can lead  in private and professional life to serious negative consequences. People with a winning spirit take responsibility for mistakes, they do not require any excuses and to transfer their guilt on others. Accepting  an error can infer internal size and offers the chance to learn from it.

12. The strength not to regret independently: Permanent self-pity is counter-productive and creates exactly the opposite of what was actually hoping intuitive: attention. Instead, people react with growing impatience and finally turn away. People with focus on success instead use every effort to change unfavourable situations as quickly as possible and fall back into balance.

20 Criteria for Success

Posted May 19, 2013 by angelash4
Categories: abilities, outcome orientation, perserverance, success

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1. The ability to be able to motivate yourself: What is meant here is the will to succeed. There are basically two categories of motivation: the inner and the outer. To include external factors such as recognition or material incentives. However, this makes the necessary actions dependent on circumstances  which one has no or only a minor impact. The motivation from within yourself (e.g. job satisfaction), however, is more effective, because it reduces dependence on external factors. On performance-based people are certainly the ones who can combine both types of motivation conveniently together.

2.  The ability to control impulses: Impulsive reactions are nothing unusual, and in some situations quite necessary. Nevertheless, the immediate reaction of inner impulses lead to ill-considered actions and prevent existing skills actually be implemented. People with focus on success therefore act – if needed – quickly, but otherwise rather from their experience, and after a time of weighing out.

3.  Knowing the need of perseverance and endurance: Endurance is certainly among the most important factors of success. Who resigned too quickly, will never be able to achieve his/her goals. Who, however – despite obvious futility – sticks  too long to one thing blocking himself unnecessarily in his life. So success-oriented people act and recognize when perseverance is needed, and this must not be limited to professional life. In other parts of life, as in the repeated wooing a man in love, with a realistic degree of persistence can lead to the desired result.

4.  The awareness of being able to make the best of your abilities: First, it is important to recognize his/ her abilities at all, e.g. by the experiences collected in professional life. People with success orientation draw their own conclusions and change, if possible, in a profession that matches their abilities best.

5.  The ability to turn ideas into action: The best ideas ultimately lead to nothing if they remain grey theory. Performance-oriented people have learned that their ideas need to be followed by deeds. Interestingly, for this ability there is not always a need of a high IQ: While people with higher IQ in more relaxed situations show leadership rather than people with low IQ, this is often reversed during stress.

6.  The ability to act result-oriented: “The journey is the destination.” This wisdom is not true, when it comes to success orientation. In this case, the result is rather crucial. People with success orientation, although still interested for the process of the course, lay their actual concentration in the product that has to be generated. They act very much result oriented.

To be continued!

To reduce stress

Posted April 28, 2013 by angelash4
Categories: burnout, stress, stress killer

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Only those who manage to bring structures into his/her everyday life,  are thereby reducing negative stress, which is otherwise inevitable.

No structures or chaos bring long term trouble with other family members and also attract disease by itself. Such missing structures lead to lack of punctuality, lack of reliability, excuses and lies, if you have always to justify yourself, no one is willing to understand you to the point anymore.

You really cannot manage time, because you will not get more time. Each of us has 24 hours, 1440 minutes a day.

However, what we can do is to use our time more effectively by giving space-time robbers none of our time.

“Order is the spice of life” is a phrase we have heard very often but reluctantly as teenagers. We have  connected this sentence with a rigid and little spontaneous life. The older we get, we can chaos more and more determine that order is the opposite of chaos. Something new can emerge from chaos. This means, however, that old structures disintegrate.

What do you associate with order?

Order creates reliability and rituals also help us in relating with others , of which we often have too little in our lives and also in coexistence with others.

Controlled processes also create security and reliability. This will create even why we are here: to be happy!

Problems that lead to overload and threatening burnout, can be arise because of:

– Too many appointments,

– Too many things that need to be done,

– Too many contacts,

– Too many impressions,

– Just too much of everything!

This creates shambles and are all potential stressors.

Plan your time

Stress Killers are often trivial, but also very essential. The important things in life are often banal, so we repeatedly run the risk of forgetting it:

– Good relationships

– Good food

– Adequate sleep

– Joy of Life

In our society it is considered cool to have no plan, or at least to pretend so.

But if you want a full and happy life, you need proper structures that make it possible.

The father or the mother who have too many dates and consequently give promises to the children, which can not comply, produce frustration and eventually also a lack of confidence? Does this create a happy life?

Today, many people, even if they live in the relationship, actually are only interested in their own welfare. However, they do not even have the sense of what is good for them.

What do you need to be happy?

You can create structures with To-Do lists that you can create on a weekly and yearly basis. So you cannot only keep track of birthdays, but also plan new projects: training, vacation, new job, relocation, etc.

So you do not forget anything and have a wonderful experience when you have worked and finished something. You should then celebrate this!

Indigo children need respect

Posted April 7, 2013 by angelash4
Categories: changes, indigo children, needs, respect, responsibility, Ritalin

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How can we offer these children a happy and healthy childhood?


Children can learn from responsible adults to take responsibility for their own behaviour. They do not benefit from being blamed for the trauma and stress that result from not being accepted as they are. They need support and not diagnosis and medication! They thrive when adults show that they love and understand them and when their basic childhood needs are met.


Our experience as a child is different, from the experiences these kids have. Therefore we cannot deal with them as our parents have dealt with us. Instead of putting them on drugs and force them to function according to old standards, we certainly can provide alternatives. Ritalin is not a substitute for better schools, creative teaching and parents who spend more time with their children. The number of children that are put on Ritalin increases enormously and we can only imagine what damage is done on these children.  Can we afford to be arrogant and ignorant instead of being open for changes? These children are the adults of the future. Let’s make them fit, rather than destroy them and make them unfit for life.


According to Dr. Mary Ann Block, author of “No More Ritalin: Treating ADHD without drugs” observations, the right brain is stronger in these children. These children are stronger in visual, creative, artistic, physical and geographical perception. Our education system is, however, concentrating on the left brain. This can only go wrong. The children of the new generation will always have problems with that kind of learning. These children have no chance to survive in the current school system. And this is again proof that we urgently need to change our school system.


Block also said that these children tend to be to be the tactile learners. This means that their leading learning system is “doing” rather than “seeing or hearing” and their brains do not easily process visual and auditory information. The children continue to try to learn as best as they can. Due to their tactile learning style, they tend to play with their pencil and poke their neighbours to have contact. However, in the current system they are perceived as intruders or as learning disabled, although they only trying to learn in the manner that works for them. It would be easy to support the tactile learning style that these children can learn. All they need is to touch something and that would be achieved with a soft ball they can knead. Addressing the sense of touch would support their acoustic and visual learning. This can also reduce unacceptable, hyperactive behavior. Because such children often do not listen, it’s easy to call them by name, or to touch them just to get their attention.