Archive for the ‘Mother Earth’ category

Our Future

August 11, 2013

We put our soul trusting in the love in the hands of other people. But no one out there can give us, what we really need. That what we are looking for, we can only find in ourselves. With the decision to love yourself, the most exciting journey of your life starts!

I can confirm this from my experience. We can perceive people differently because we can accept them as they are, as we can now can share unconditional love. There will be no more stereotyped thinking but true encounter.

Precisely this behaviour is important for the future of the next 20 years. Unless we learn to love ourselves unconditionally, we cannot pass on true love. We need to develop respect and recognition as values​​, since the migration is rather increasing than diminishing.

With these values ​​we must urgently treat Mother Earth as well, or hurricanes, earthquakes and floods hit us even more. Fracking for oil and gas will destroy our environment, and we certainly do not want that this planet looks inside like a Swiss cheese.

if we change our purchasing behaviour from globally to regionally and only purchase what we really need, then not only our economy has a chance to survive, but we as consumers, too. We need new technology and energy sources. The change of energy sources also prevents wars.

There will be wars about water and food, too, if we do not change our behaviour and develop values. Greed and inhumane treatment of people have no future or we all have no future!

Sustainability and values ​​are the winners! Let’s start changing NOW!

New ways of relating

October 30, 2012

Now we need to recreate our lives to meet with the current needs and intentions of a Life plan that is larger than we are capable to comprehend in this moment. Always remember that everything is made of the same energy and therefore we are connected with everything that is existing in this Universe.


Many are still wiping the dust out of their eyes, trying to regain some clarity of what on Earth is going on here! You might find yourself spun around in a completely opposite direction to where you thought you were heading to.  New ways of feeling, seeing, and being come in, and along with that, the necessity to let go of prior plans and intentions that no longer have a place in the current picture.


This is the time of dissolution. If you are brave enough you see that a lot of old structures need to go. They are no longer valid in these changing times. We have to set up new structures and there are already many groups and organization working on these new ways of living together.

To be able to create new structures we need to overcome our Ego and finally work on relating with each other. Not only with each other. We need to find a new relationship with Mother Earth as well. She is in turmoil which the East coast of America is just experiencing.


In this process, much of what we have held on to and know as familiar is simply falling away as no longer useful, necessary, or needed.  We have to adapt and adjust at a rate way faster than any of us have ever experienced, and few are actually feeling totally prepared for.  However, this is the point – we are in preparation. We have gone through much initiation; we have shown that we are willing and able to work for our freedom and our Peace.  Now as we go through this concluding stage before the opening we have this final time to work on relating. Time has come to learn through the process of relationship. We are each other’s keepers, and we are here to guide, assist, and honor each other through this major transitional stage.   Letting go, letting go, letting go… is the mantra.


And, the practice is welcoming in what has now come into awareness, and breathing into comfortably adapting to a whole new way of living.  There is great joy, happiness, and freedom within – ready for more of the breath of life to come into and feed the flourishing, abundant nature of that way of being.  Breathe this in…and exhale this out.


And as many are aware, the following month holds the infamous date of the end of the Mayan Calendar – December 21st, which is understood by many to be “The Beginning” of a new phase of existence.  The birthing of new ways of existing has been powerfully moving in for quite some time now, and many are completely aware of this powerful presence upon us. We are in preparation.


There is a great diversity of perspective, and all our realities are colored by this varying degree. To accept this and flow with it is so essential in attempting to be in harmonious relationships.


This time is crucial to be used as a period to really let go, release the old, and clear space for welcoming in more of what is true and necessary for your life and those in your life.


May we all have the support, guidance, courage, and desire to reach deep within to our most true and essential self, where we can feel our own love for ourselves, each other and Life!  And, then may we all walk in touch with this most creative and abundant source. 

The shift is building up

October 14, 2012


Last week the dices were thrown and this week is time to see the results, understanding the “why’s” and wherefore’s, and putting the pieces back in a more meaningful manner.

This is the time of building bridges, of uniting and understanding, what the bleep is going on. Realize the changes in the outside and make sure to change in the inside, too!

We have to build bridges between the conscious and the unconscious mind. It is about uniting the me and the others, the inside and the outside. During the recent weeks the cup has been filled to reach the peak.

We cannot ignore the large shift happening on the 21st of December 2012. The shift is building up! More and more things happen in a shorter period of time. Did you ever ask yourself why so many people a currently living on this planet? They are here because the wanted to participate in the time of the big shift.

Right now we live in the 3rd dimension of cause and karma. Now we reach out for the 4th dimension. We realize that relationship means give and take. We reach a greater awareness which includes coming to peace with Mother Earth. She can live without us, but we can only exist in the perfect conditions she gives us. And we still exploit her and ruin our living conditions. Wake up and help to stop the disaster!

Issues are coming up from the unconsciousness and it needs to be dealt with. If you resist, you ruin yourself – get sick, depressive or become suicidal. You will never be free if you do not solve these issues. Dig down deep into feelings of grief, loss, jealousy and love. Change your believe systems. I can only encourage you to investigate, have more communication with yourself and others. Go for consultation as well.

You have to take the responsibility of what other people are dishing at you! They are only a mirror!

Now it is time to restore harmony. If you have been feeding yourself with resentments and jealousy, it is ugly to look at these belief systems. Come into a space of gratitude and humility!

We have reached the collective time and have to work with and for each other. Bring the law of give and take into a balance. Consciously talk about your dark side. Talk deep as there are no more secrets. As nothing keeps hidden in the public you can no longer hide your deep dark secrets as they no longer serve you. Get it all up on the table and rewrite the past to get into a new future.

Go into gratitude and set up a conscious relationship with Mother Earth. It is high time to respect her as a living creature.

This is the Mantra for this week:

 “When I see that life gives me just what I need, whether joyous or painful, in order to see. I stop getting angry and start to give thanks, rewiring the circuits of my memory banks.”

Be open to change

November 5, 2011

Our task is now to change and to transfer our mental consciousness into the heart consciousness. This change has already begun. As long as we deny the change, we get in trouble: stress, sickness, accident, depression etc.
Mother Earth is sacred to all beings. And we do not have the permission to kill Mother Earth, even though we are already getting close to doing it. Now it is time for a radical rethink. This time there will be no savior who comes. Only through our self-centered behavior, we have changed the world for the bad. No matter what natural disaster happens, the earth is only fighting for her survival!
We hurt the earth and she still gives us our best circumstances for life. We have to come into relationship with Mother Earth, if we do not want to lose our lives. It is a universal law, that Mother Earth is sacred to all living beings. Therefore the earth will not perish, but it can happen that humankind exterminates itself, if not every single one of us stop and change their behavior of being egocentric. I would like to invite you for the change! We have one more chance to survive. Change your attitude! We have no right to subdue the Earth, even if the churches have taught us to do so.
Most people do not know this and therefore live in fear. You now have the opportunity to learn to live from the heart and be love. Otherwise our children will no longer have the possibility to live in a healed world. Help to heal the wounds of the earth. Connect yourself with her in nature.
We can save ourselves only when we become aware of who we are and why we are right here at this time. Religions tell us that we are sinful. This is not true. We only need to accept the responsibility for our thoughts, feelings and actions. Then we can create our world anew, because we are a part of God. Your soul is your great I Am. I Am is part of God and God is life, light and all that is.
Mistakes are not bad, they serve us, to learn and grow. The school of life serves you with opportunities to grow. Therefore, experiences are neither good nor bad. They just bring you forward. Learn to really understand who you are.
Then stop on judging. Everything is perfect. If you condemn others, you condemn yourself; this is only the mirror of what you perhaps you do not like with yourself. What you do not like in to others is their learning program. You have your own learning program. Just find out what your program is!

Miracles can happen

July 31, 2011

Miracles happen when we love ourselves and are then able to give unconditional love.

When you love yourself deeper every day you are opening up for a juicy life. What is a juicy life? Get our and meet people. Experience yourself as a loving being in connection with people you meet. They will notice that you are different. You will talk and treat people differently when you are able to express unconditional love. It also means to be open for opportunities you have not seen yet. The Universe is abundant and loving yourself means to connect to this abundance. Then miracles can happen!

Unconditional means without conditions. Remember that you put labels on people: they are ugly, lazy, noisy, arrogant, not cooperating, foreigners, handicapped or even old. You do not need these labels anymore. Love without conditions does not need them.  You will stop blaming others as you realize that only you can change your life. And it is so easy. Be the I AM and you can even forget your own restriction:

–       I am not worth it

–       This is not for me

–       I am stupid

–       I am too fat

These are your paradigms, which you can change as well.

Here is a powerful mantra:

I am Love, I am Joy, I am Health and I am Abundance

The I am is very powerful and repeating that mantra aloud again and again, it will change your energy.

This is FREEDOM as well. You can be You and not the person your parents , your spouse or boss is expecting. Be you and you have so much more to give that everybody will love you as you are.

There is so much more to experience in this world of change. Please start loving and respecting our planet as well. If we want to survive we have to cooperate and stop exploiting our Mother Earth.

The solar flares are increasing their power and on day it will hurt us because we missed  to change ourselves. The time of change forces us to do so.
More on this subject in my book “2012 – Our reality of change” on

Time sensitive – Relationships

July 17, 2011

You can see it in the outer world and maybe experience it already in your inner word, that this month of July 2011 we are forced to look at our relationship patterns. In the economic and political field we see that as the problems increase parties are forced to work together. We have to improve our relationships if we want to create a better future.

Venus, the planet that stands for relationships, is strongly intervening and forcing us to transform our views and paradigms about relationships. The Venusian impetus questions our love pictures. It talks of a larger and freer love picture, of a love of cosmic size, of unconditional love. I experienced this love once – it was great experience! This love is a pleasure and not a fight.

Moreover, what has love got to do with fight? After the first love and when reaching everyday life most couples forget what has attracted them most in the other partner. They collect the penalty points instead of seeing the positive sides and just be grateful what lovely partner you got. Life is a lot easier when we live in gratitude. As long as you are grateful, fear and worry have no chance.

The transformation of love pictures (paradigms) is not a private but a collective issue that affects us all. The universe has confidence in us; the problems are only challenges and help us to grow and to solve problems. The plasma emission of Venus has increased in the past 30 years in 600 times. This gives us the necessary information when we listen to our hearts.

Do not hold on to established partnerships which want to be resolved, that do not work anymore. It’s no longer about finding the soul mate. First of all we have to love ourselves first, because only then will we be able to live in unconditional love. We were always taught that we should not love ourselves, because self-love was identified as egoism. Therefore, we must now learn to accept not only our bodies but to love ourselves deeply. Then we are one with ourselves and able to love all people. It means to stop condemning others, for we are all of the same energy and interconnected. Everyone has their own learning goals in life. Therefore we cannot ask people to change for our sake. As they are responsible for their life, we are only responsible for our life. We can create a field of peace on earth only by the unconditional love and that will also end the war against Mother Earth.

Excerpt of my E-book “2012 – Our reality of changes”

April 12, 2011

The Earth is in turmoil because we humans exploit and abuse her and have shown a lack of respect for Mother Earth. Once, when we decided to live on earth, we were full of love and enthusiasm for this beautiful planet. Then we were taught to subdue the earth. Meanwhile we have reached a point where we have more problems than solutions. This we experience with the disaster of March 2011 and the problems still continue.

Now, however, we still have time to change and have the chance to live our life more consciously. We can change together with the earth and there is no need not be afraid. Venus, Sun, Mars and Jupiter are active. They help us to wake up, to raise our consciousness so that we realise and change our attitude towards our Mother Earth and perceive her as living being. She is going through a planetary incarnation, emotions, and a planetary development plan. This development plan is more complex than that of human beings. However, we have the chance of a lifetime to move forward in the history of humanity to raise our consciousness and to live from the heart. This means listening to your inner voice and in this way you will follow your heart.

You are a part of everything you see and you have the opportunity to live in harmony with creation.  Unfortunately what is happening at present is that humans are trying to tamper with our planet without realizing what the outcomes could be.

You are not a fallen angel. You are here voluntarily and you did consciously decide also to be on earth at this particular time. You are a dedicated and powerful being. You are the creator of your conscious thoughts, your feelings and actions, and thus the creator of the resulting consequences as well.

Always be aware that you not only have direct access to God, which means to be connected to the inspiration; but you yourself are a spark of creative intelligence, which is responsible for your existence. In order to engage in precisely this creative intelligence Sun, Venus, Hunab Ku, and some other planets are there to help us right now.

Where does the support come from which we urgently need to develop ourselves within the little time left for us to raise our consciousness?

The e-book will be available on

2011 – The Year of Venus

January 20, 2011

The year we just entered is the year of Venus and it brings us harmony, if we can let our prejudices and paradigms go.

I know that today´s topic is controversial for a lot of my readers. In the Venus year we are confronted with our love topics. It is our firm belief that if we have a lover, partner, wife or spouse we own their love and that we are the only one they are allowed to love. The second topic is that we lost our love for Mother Earth.

As long as we expect exclusive love and see our wife or husband as our possession, there cannot be real and unconditional love! How did we get the idea, that we can possess love? That is what we were told by the Gods of the churches. They even told us to exploit the earth as a subject. Mother Earth is alive as we are alive. Why on earth do we think that can work for us? Can`t we see in our surrounding that it is absolutely contradictive? There are so many divorces and unhappy families and people. Do never forget that your children learn from how you live your life. Your prejudices and paradigms will be theirs and they then can only copy your life.

As long as we keep these paradigms we will be unable to give and receive love! That is the truth! But in this year with the energy of Venus we have the chance to change for unconditional love! Start with loving yourself and accept that you can only receive love but never possess it!

What is 2012?

December 6, 2010

There is much information concerning the date of 21.12.2012, but not all are correct. This date is a sensitive point of galactic proportions.
The Earth is in turmoil because we humans exploit her in lack of respect, and abuse our Mother Earth. Once we are incarnated in love and enthusiasm for this beautiful planet here. For 3000 years we have gone through many deep valleys of our low consciousness. Since the tyrannical and selfish gods of the churches entered our planet, the people have been subject, and we were called up to subdue the earth, which took us downhill and Mother Earth is lovesick. Moses was even called to divide his people and one part had to kill the other part of people, just to make human beings servile and obedient.
Now we are in a time of change and have the chance to come back into the light. Venus, Sun, Mars and Jupiter are active. They help us to wake up, to raise our consciousness to love Gaia, our Mother Earth again and be perceived as living beings. She is going through a planetary incarnation, planetary emotions and a planetary development plan. This development plan is more complex than that of the people.

The sun has right now more violent ejections, called Sunflares. In countries like India, USA and Great Britain you get reports about the activity of the sun, unfortunately not in Germany. Information is available on