Archive for the ‘consciousness of the heart’ category

Time of Love

March 9, 2013

On 6 June 2012 the last intense event occurred when Venus – Earth and the sun are in one line. This will influence our paradigm (blockages) resolution immensely. Do not hold on to established partnerships which want to be resolved, that do not work anymore. It’s no longer about finding the soul mate. First of all we have to love ourselves first, because only then will we be able to live in unconditional love. We were always taught that we should not love ourselves, because self-love was identified as egoism. Therefore, we must now learn to accept not only our bodies but to love ourselves deeply. Then we are one with ourselves and able to love all people. It means to stop condemning others, for we are all of the same energy and interconnected. Everyone has their own learning goals in life. Therefore we cannot ask people to change for our sake. As they are responsible for their life, we are only responsible for our life. We can create a field of peace on earth only by the unconditional love and that will also end the war against Mother Earth.

As already mentioned, we’re right there at the time of change, a time of expansion of consciousness. This is the time of love. We must learn again to live in communities. This also means that we must open ourselves to the people to whom we give our unconditional love. Say goodbye, to talk about my husband and my wife. Who wants to possess love, will not obtain love. When two people meet who have never learned to love themselves, how can two love-hungry people exchange love? They expect only and have nothing to give. Only when we learn to love ourselves, we can stop the love dramas in our life. For between love and possession is a big difference. By the misguided love image we have created a global battlefield – which shows up in our private life, too.

In our hearts we, however, continue to be yearning for fulfilling love. What happens to two people who think they love each other, when they get married? The building or buying a house leads them directly into lifelong commitments, and the rat race is inevitable, and the problems take their course. Both are caught in the machinery of the generally accepted social system, but the deep desire never goes away completely. However, that scenario which is reality for most people increases the tension that will eventually be broken by one of two partners: divorce, illness or burnout.

Only through a changed love image we will be able to experience peace inside and outside. As long as we are busy with our claims of ownership (my house, my land, my car, my family, my business, and other state symbols), we are in war against us and Gaia.

Live from your Heart, with Love!

Consciousness of the Heart

April 1, 2012

Everybody needs to be ready to face and investigate the paradox that we are separate and yet One! We are both masculine and feminine while being either a man or a woman. We are even both mortal and immortal. This list may go on and on this month as we collectively absorb a new reality of union which will require the dissolving of old belief systems. They have maintained an illusion of separation which we are now ready to release. Most certainly, a paradox is the creation of an ego driven mind that can only be “seen through” by the spirit-aware consciousness of the heart. Listen to your inner voice and get the inspirations. This is your way to enlightenment, surely to an easier life.


It may lead some to the experience of exhaustion, ill health, and perhaps to anxiety and desperation. The illusion consists of the belief that with enough consciously concentrated energy and intention we may control the course and outcome of our lives. This illusion is perpetrated by an ego that is a prisoner of its own fear of dying, surrendering, and uniting.  It will define as weakness, costly, risky, foolish, and any other number of “rational” excuses used to perpetuate itself amidst overwhelming evolutionary forces awakening it to ever expanding realities.  We cannot escape! If we fight and deny these forces we will become sick and depressive.


The paradigm of “not enough” is based upon the notion that we are not enough and since we can’t control everything this belief is self-fulfilling. It leads to “you are not enough”, “there is not enough”, “we will never have enough” etc. Since we cannot control everything this belief is ultimately self-fulfilling. If we are led by this paradigm we will continue to work, work, work, do, do, do, push, push, push, and blame ourselves, each other, our partners or spouses, the boss, the banks, the government, the Illuminati or whoever when our efforts go unrewarded and fail.


Stop fighting the process we are undergoing. We are heading for the next dimension! We are called to live in union and not separated. So if you notice you are called for this, go for it.


I had my call about a year ago and am happy now to live with my parent. The same time a lot of new opportunities came along which fulfilled my dreams. I wanted to work with children and as a business coach. Now it became true.


I just want you to notice that as long as you fighting a situation you will never be aware of the opportunity that waits for you! Whatever you call security is no longer relevant. Just give it up and win a new freedom that opens new doors for you!


Enjoy your life in an abundant Universe!

Give Up Control

February 26, 2012

 Why is that so important? And why is it so difficult?

Most of us had good role models concerning control. Parents control their children and more of them even ignore them on the other side? You might ask “What is worse?”

You might even control your spouse and your co-workers. Just think about it and find out why you are so much interested what others do. Is this just because you do not know yourself or feel unworthy and never develop self-consciousness? Do you know your purpose and your goals?

Now why is it so important to give up control?

The most important reason is that we have to learn to build a better society as we cannot go on like that. You can see that we live in a critical time of change. As long as you resist changes you fight against yourself. You get sick, jobless and go into burnout and depression.

Most of us live in the 3-dimensional world which is school with different stages. Three quarter of the people live with a victim consciousness. You do not need to stay there as you can always change your thoughts.

Invest in yourself and live a life of love, joy, health and abundance you need to enhance your consciousness. Then you move on to the group of creators as you can create your reality. When you keep on learning you become a genius.

Learn to live from your heart with gratitude and love. We move out of the mind into the heart. It is about unity. We got to think with our heart, open ourselves for the inner voice and the inspirations we get while we wake up in the morning. I feel blessed that I follow my inspirations. No more need to live a life in fear and worries.

It is all about love, joy, smile and no more walls of separation. I am You and You are Me!

Therefore it is high time to find out what your purpose of life is. Work at your Goals and give up Control. If you really want to live a successful and fulfilled life leave the HOW to the Universe. It takes care as it is abundant. Work on your purpose and goals and add your feelings to your goals. That is how you learn to visualize what you really thrive for. Thrive for the truth which you find the moment you start thinking with your heart.

Embrace the Union!!! Get together with like minded people and set up cooperation to create a better world!

You find the practical e-book “ Goals Give Your Life Direction”  on Amazon

If you want to get out of fears check for “Success Killer No 1 – Fear  and Worries”

Be open to change

November 5, 2011

Our task is now to change and to transfer our mental consciousness into the heart consciousness. This change has already begun. As long as we deny the change, we get in trouble: stress, sickness, accident, depression etc.
Mother Earth is sacred to all beings. And we do not have the permission to kill Mother Earth, even though we are already getting close to doing it. Now it is time for a radical rethink. This time there will be no savior who comes. Only through our self-centered behavior, we have changed the world for the bad. No matter what natural disaster happens, the earth is only fighting for her survival!
We hurt the earth and she still gives us our best circumstances for life. We have to come into relationship with Mother Earth, if we do not want to lose our lives. It is a universal law, that Mother Earth is sacred to all living beings. Therefore the earth will not perish, but it can happen that humankind exterminates itself, if not every single one of us stop and change their behavior of being egocentric. I would like to invite you for the change! We have one more chance to survive. Change your attitude! We have no right to subdue the Earth, even if the churches have taught us to do so.
Most people do not know this and therefore live in fear. You now have the opportunity to learn to live from the heart and be love. Otherwise our children will no longer have the possibility to live in a healed world. Help to heal the wounds of the earth. Connect yourself with her in nature.
We can save ourselves only when we become aware of who we are and why we are right here at this time. Religions tell us that we are sinful. This is not true. We only need to accept the responsibility for our thoughts, feelings and actions. Then we can create our world anew, because we are a part of God. Your soul is your great I Am. I Am is part of God and God is life, light and all that is.
Mistakes are not bad, they serve us, to learn and grow. The school of life serves you with opportunities to grow. Therefore, experiences are neither good nor bad. They just bring you forward. Learn to really understand who you are.
Then stop on judging. Everything is perfect. If you condemn others, you condemn yourself; this is only the mirror of what you perhaps you do not like with yourself. What you do not like in to others is their learning program. You have your own learning program. Just find out what your program is!